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Test Subject
#176 Old 1st Aug 2012 at 6:48 AM
Quote: Originally posted by JuneJamie
1. Which game(s) do you have? All EPs up to Showtime.
2. What game version/patch level? I am patched to 1.36
3. How many sims are missing/invisible? All or none. The interface is missing.
4. Do they have an icon or not? NA
5. Do you have any UI issues? Yes, I load into the save file and the UI is missing. It does not zoom to the family I have been playing and I have no idea if the game clock is running. This problem began after playing for a few hours last night and then the game crashed. When I tried to reload the game, I am in an overhead view of the map and there is no interacting with rabbitholes or my sims' house.
6. Were the sims traveling? No
7. How many traveling? None
8. How are all travellers related? NA
9. Which country are the sims in? NA
10. How many days? NA
11. Did the sim(s) return via the phone prematurely or only when the vacation was over? NA
12. Returning together or separate? NA
13. Are you using SuperComputer Twallan's MasterController+Overwatch+DebugEnabler or AwesomeMod? MC and various other Twallan Mods. Just installed ErrorTrap and Overwatch after reading some of the comments in this forum.
14. Are you using EA Story Progression, Twallan's Story Progression, or Awesome Story? Twallan's story progression
15. When did the issue start? Last night on the next load after the game crashed.
16. What were your sims doing? At the time I was waiting on a performer to show up via SimPort and though it said he would come on Monday he didn't show up that Monday so I was playing through to the next Monday. At the moment the game crashed, I had one of my sims go to visit another family I had placed in the neighborhood. About the time he arrived at that house, it crashed.
17. What things have you tried? I have tried reloading, removing all CC and mods, resetsim, F10, installing overwatch and errortrap
18. What worked? Unsolved problem
19. What didn't work? Everything, as far as I can tell.
20. Anything else you would like to add?

Replying to my own post. Thanks again to twallan and his great mods. I installed DebugEnabler and used the forceHUD command. Then I use ALT+Q, saved, and went to the main menu. When I reloaded everything seems fine again. My interface is there and none of my sims are missing. Woohoo!
Test Subject
#177 Old 1st Aug 2012 at 7:29 AM
Another problem has seemed to crop up. My floor up and down buttons don't work properly and neither does pushing page up/page down. Sometimes it skips tot he highest or lowest floor or goes more than one floor at a time. Sometimes they don't work at all. I noticed this problem before, but it seemed minor and sometimes when my mouse batteries get low it start to multiple click. the keyboard buttons not acting properly is new though.
Test Subject
#178 Old 9th Aug 2012 at 1:33 PM
Missings Sims / houses / rabbit holes
1. Which game(s) do you have?
I have World Adventures, Late Night, Ambitions, Generations, Pets and Showtime and most Stuff Packs

2. What game version/patch level?
I have the Sims 3 Standard Edition. I have no patches. I do not know which one is best and how it works

3. How many sims are missing/invisible?
Several of the town's Sims would be missing

4. Do they have an icon or not?

5. Do you have any UI issues?

6. Were the sims traveling?
I have tried every adventure location

7. How many traveling?

8. How are all travellers related?

9. Which country are the sims in?
My sim can go home after an adventure, e.g Egypt, but cannot go back to Egypt a second time. The game goes into Egypt, to the last place I was before returning home, but the sim would not appear.

10. How many days?
I have tried three and five (I think)

11. Did the sim(s) return via the phone prematurely or only when the vacation was over?
When the vacation was over

12. Returning together or separate?

13. Are you using SuperComputer Twallan's MasterController+Overwatch+DebugEnabler or AwesomeMod?
None of the above.

14. Are you using EA Story Progression, Twallan's Story Progression, or Awesome Story?
None of the above.

15. When did the issue start?
It started after I installed Pets.

16. What were your sims doing?
My sim does not disappear, the town's sims would disappear with their house.

17. What things have you tried
I have un-installed and then re-installed all the games a couple of times. Re-installed Windows.

18. What worked?
Nothing, as the same problem would start again.

19. What didn't work?
They same problem re-occurs over and over again.

20. Anything else you would like to add?[/pre]
The town's houses and shop and bars, library etc. would disappear as well
Mad Poster
#179 Old 9th Aug 2012 at 2:08 PM
MonkeyS, you say you have never patched the game? How long have you had the game? Are the lots that are disappearing just becoming empty or are they turning into blue patches where the lots should be?
I would highly recommend patching your game. Open the launcher and then go to the Updates tab at the bottom. This should provide you with the patch you need to get your game up to date.

My deviantART, MTS Yearbook Origin ID = Alistu
Field Researcher
#180 Old 8th Sep 2012 at 5:04 AM Last edited by shadedgrey63 : 8th Sep 2012 at 9:03 AM.
1. Which game(s) do you have?
Base game, World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Pets, and just installed Showtime

2. What game version/patch level?

3. How many sims are missing/invisible?
1 - somewhat, only her icon in map view is missing, as is/was her work outfit. It was awkward. =P

4. Do they have an icon or not?
At the beginning, no, but resetting the lot fixed that for the most part - now it's only
that circle above your sim in map view that's blank.

5. Do you have any UI issues?
I get them a lot unless I clear the cache every time and/or reset the town often.

6. Were the sims traveling?

7. How many traveling?

8. How are all travellers related?

9. Which country are the sims in?

10. How many days?

11. Did the sim(s) return via the phone prematurely or only when the vacation was over?

12. Returning together or separate?

13. Are you using SuperComputer Twallan's MasterController+Overwatch+DebugEnabler or AwesomeMod?
I am trying Twallan's DebugEnabler tonight, but I've be using MasterController and Overwatch for some time now.

14. Are you using EA Story Progression, Twallan's Story Progression, or Awesome Story?
I was using EA's Story Progression, but I just switched to Twallan's last night to try and fix my issues.

15. When did the issue start?
I've been getting some annoying issues for months, but it just got much worse a couple nights ago.

16. What were your sims doing?
She hopped out of the shower, completely nude in her missing work outfit. I stupidly saved and exited the game. The next day when I started the save, I had UI issues galore.

17. What things have you tried
Error Trap mod: other users have reported this has helped them if they let the game run past its auto-cleanup time at 3am Sim Time, and
Overwatch mod: proven effective with removing items during gameplay which can cause lag and other issues.
Refresh/Delete the Cache File
Traveler mod: to help prevent missing Sims upon Arrival or missing UI issues.
Master Controller mod: click on a Sim, Nraas > MasterController > Household > ResetLot
Debug Enabler mod:
click on a Sim (or City Hall), Nraas > DebugEnabler > Option:Sim (if Sim is clicked) > Fix Invisible Sims
open cheat console (Ctrl+Shift+C) and enter "forceHud" (requires "testingcheatsenabled true" first)

18. What worked?
All helped - but Debug Enabler's forceHud, while seeming to be a fix, changed every hair/makeup/outfit combo I gave her - the career category was no longer there, which upset me so I exited without saving.

19. What didn't work?
All helped - but fix invisible sims and forceHud, while seeming to fix everything, caused more problems.

20. Anything else you would like to add?
My powerhouse computer had lately been BSODing quite frequently, so I wonder if that somehow is related to my game problems. For the life of me, I can't seem to find the cause of the BSODs.
Test Subject
#181 Old 19th Sep 2014 at 12:32 PM
1. Which game(s) do you have?
Base game, World Adventures, Ambitions, Seasons, Supernatural.
2. What game version/patch level?
3. How many sims are missing/invisible?
4. Do they have an icon or not?
5. Do you have any UI issues?
What's that :o
6. Were the sims traveling?
7. How many traveling?
8. How are all travellers related?
9. Which country are the sims in?
Champ Les Sims
10. How many days?
11. Did the sim(s) return via the phone prematurely or only when the vacation was over?
Vacation was over
12. Returning together or separate?
13. Are you using SuperComputer Twallan's MasterController+Overwatch+DebugEnabler or AwesomeMod?
None, don't even know the listed things.
14. Are you using EA Story Progression, Twallan's Story Progression, or Awesome Story?
EA Story Progression
15. When did the issue start?
16. What were your sims doing?
Just deactivated a trap
17. What things have you tried?
Nothing, I saved before the trip was over. I always do this because my game uses up all my ram and usually crashes when I return home.
18. What worked?
Save before trip was over
19. What didn't work?
I haven't tried anything else
20. Anything else you would like to add?
Yes, my sim was still in my simbot + warewolfs friend list. But when I tried to invite her over I got a msg that said I don't know any forgein sims. My other two sims was crying and it showed a grave picture. So I quess my sim died in a car accident on her way home, LOL :D
Test Subject
#182 Old 19th Sep 2014 at 12:36 PM
I would also like to add, I restarted my game and then returned home. So now my sim is here, alive! But, my game is running super slow.
Test Subject
#183 Old 28th Sep 2014 at 10:39 PM
1. Which game(s) do you have? Base,late night,high loft,world adventures,generations,seasons
2. What game version/patch level?1.67
3. How many sims are missing/invisible? sometimes its one or sometimes its two
4. Do they have an icon or not?No
5. Do you have any UI issues? The UI for the Missing sims are missing as well
6. Were the sims traveling? No
7. How many traveling? None
8. How are all travellers related? No traveling
9. Which country are the sims in? Their town
10. How many days? not traveling
11. Did the sim(s) return via the phone prematurely or only when the vacation was over? N/A
12. Returning together or separate? N/A
13. Are you using SuperComputer Twallan's MasterController+Overwatch+DebugEnabler or AwesomeMod? Just using Overwatch
14. Are you using EA Story Progression, Twallan's Story Progression, or Awesome Story?EA story Progression
15. When did the issue start? a few days ago
16. What were your sims doing? I saved the game when they just game home from work
17. What things have you tried? I have quit the game w/o saving and relauching but the sims will still be missing
18. What worked? everything worked except my premium content i download from a third party
19. What didn't work? my premium content i download from a third party the ball from my rim rocker is missing and the other basketball thing is missing and the icecream machine isnt letting them getting icecream and the deep fryer isnt letting them getting anything from it
20. Anything else you would like to add?[/pre] No
Test Subject
#184 Old 3rd Jan 2015 at 3:44 AM
1. Which game(s) do you have?
Sims3/Generations/World Adventures

2. What game version/patch level?

3. How many sims are missing/invisible?
Once 3 once 2

4. Do they have an icon or not?
They did not

5. Do you have any UI issues?
? there is no one to select....

6. Were the sims traveling?

7. How many traveling?
Once 2, once 3

8. How are all travellers related?
Married, Married & one of their children

9. Which country are the sims in?
Once Egypt, once China

10. How many days?
3 days both times

11. Did the sim(s) return via the phone prematurely or only when the vacation was over?
No, they all disappeared when the view arrived at the new country.

12. Returning together or separate?

13. Are you using SuperComputer Twallan's MasterController+Overwatch+DebugEnabler or AwesomeMod?
Don't even know what that is, so no?

14. Are you using EA Story Progression, Twallan's Story Progression, or Awesome Story?
Don't even know what that is, but probably just EA Story Progression?

15. When did the issue start?
Today when I tried using my new World Adventures expansion.

16. What were your sims doing?
Trying to travel

17. What things have you tried
Reset to save prior to leaving for vacation & tried again with only married couple.

18. What worked?

19. What didn't work?
Trying again to another country

20. Anything else you would like to add?
Not that I can think of.

Thank you
Test Subject
#185 Old 1st Jun 2017 at 3:40 PM
Default sims 4 sims won't show in game play
I've had problems with my sims 4 not showing up in the game for 2 days I've created new house hold but still no show.

1. Which game(s) do you have? the sims 4, bowling, parenthood and go to work

2. What game version/patch level? 2017 update

3. How many sims are missing/invisible? all the households. new and old.

4. Do they have an icon or not? no

5. Do you have any UI issues? yes

6. Were the sims traveling? moving into the house.

7. How many traveling? 4

8. How are all travellers related? family . mother, son, 2 daughters.

9. Which country are the sims in? England

10. How many days? 2day since the 29th may 2017

11. Did the sim(s) return via the phone prematurely or only when the vacation was over? no

12. Returning together or separate? N/A

13. Are you using SuperComputer Twallan's MasterController+Overwatch+DebugEnabler or AwesomeMod? No

14. Are you using EA Story Progression, Twallan's Story Progression, or Awesome Story? No

15. When did the issue start? 29/ 05/ 2017

16. What were your sims doing? moving into the house after create a sim.

17. What things have you tried? mod conflict detector and taking cc and mods out.

18. What worked? nothing as of yet

19. What didn't work? everything.

20. Anything else you would like to add? no
Mad Poster
#186 Old 1st Jun 2017 at 10:13 PM
You're in the wrong thread. This place is for help with The Sims 3.

My deviantART, MTS Yearbook Origin ID = Alistu
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