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Top Secret Researcher
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#1 Old 10th Aug 2010 at 3:43 AM
Anyone play Modern Warfare 2?
Does anyone play MW2? Please only reply if you currently own it, and reply with your username if you're welcome to receiving friend requests! I am! Please don't abuse this thread to add people and then spam them with chain letters; chain letters are NEVER real, even the ones claiming to be from employees of the company that makes the console you play MW2 on.
Be honest with nukes; list how many you got and in which map. If you want, describe how you felt about the game you got it in. If you got it from boosting, feel free to be honest with us and post that, too. Or don't say so at all; but whatever you do, don't lie to us!
P.S. Xbox sucks. LOL! JK, just adding humor.
My information
Console: PlayStation 3
PSN Name/Username: lavaster [no caps]
Open to Friend Requests (All/Yes/Some/Depends/Rarely/I usually ignore them/No): Yes
Real Nukes: 1, which was recently. It was in Afghan and my heart was beating so fast! I was ecstatic and shaking for the next hour. People got mad. What's interesting is, right before the game started, I thought, "Maybe I should edit my killstreaks for something other than a nuke." But then I realized I didn't want to be like my brother and cousin who didn't have it activated when they got to a 25 killstreak and higher. I was right! I had a feeling... actually, more like vision. I'm a little psychic, but I never realize what I'm having is a vision or just a random thought.
Boosted Nukes: 1. It was in Rundown, I was hiding in the tall grass. They managed to kill my booster towards the end, but then I killed THEM! I got my nuke right after that. BUT it was a boosted tactical nuclear strike, so... yeaaaah.. the guy with the mic said, (afterwards) "BOOSTERS!!! The guy who got the nuke was boosting at the side of the map!!!" He didn't bother mentioning we were boosting in the tall grass, just "the side of the map." Not even WHICH side! lol! I messaged him, "I'm not a guy, I'm a girl" and he shut up after that. It was hilarious! Funny thing is, I go booster-busting/hunting sometimes.

Test Subject
#2 Old 25th Aug 2010 at 4:46 PM
No not really..... But i do play it on WII rarely!

Sims 3 rules!
Test Subject
#3 Old 22nd Dec 2010 at 10:52 AM
just got 73 kills to 24 deaths on hq pro in scrapyard

using ak silenced & model 1887 shotgun ( even though its rubbish now is still looks cool)
now naming my class rusty. lol

p.s i go booster hunting

i was running uav, pred missile & harriers

realy low i know
Test Subject
#4 Old 26th Jan 2011 at 7:45 PM
I own MW2, but it's on the Xbox unfortunately...
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