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#1 Old 18th Jul 2011 at 9:20 PM
Default How Can ANYONE Like Her?
I mean, really...
  • She uses the LGBT Community to be more famous, and so that more gay people like her, i am gay and she's not buying me, she talks about us EVERY SINGLE TIME she opens her disgusting mouth! That makes it obvious that she doesn't really support us, that it is just a MARKETING thing.
  • She claims she was bullied, but that's a HUGE lie, she comes from a rich Italian family, i bet she was kinda popular... that's a punch in the face for those of us who ACTUALLY have been bullied... i feel sorry for the people who believes her blindly.
  • She BLATANTLY rips-off Madonna and a lot other singers, and claims she's original...
  • She wears ridiculous, retarded outfits to call the attention.
  • She uses BLASPHEMY in her videos (and now even in her songs) to call the attention.
  • She's the most overrated "artist" of all time! "She's the new Queen Of Pop" ARE YOU F**KING KIDDING ME? WTF?

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#2 Old 18th Jul 2011 at 9:41 PM

I agree, especially when she got an award, she wore clothes made of MEAT it isn't just some gay people like you why you hate her, it's the vegans/vegetarians as well for what she wore. It is COMEPLETELY an insult to them. I feel really bad for them for how they feel
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#3 Old 5th Sep 2011 at 11:55 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Wished
I agree, especially when she got an award, she wore clothes made of MEAT it isn't just some gay people like you why you hate her, it's the vegans/vegetarians as well for what she wore. It is COMEPLETELY an insult to them. I feel really bad for them for how they feel

OMG FINALLY! i've never really had a problem with her but when she wore that meat thing i was like D:D:D:D:D:D: and then she was just like. 'bah its just like wearing fur BLAH BLAH' i was so pissed off i mean i dont mind animals being slaughtered to be eaten as long as there killed kindly and not wasted because its a fact of life its never gonna stop realistically but when she wore that meat thats never gonna get eaten now those animals died for nothing. she makes me sick. :@
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#4 Old 14th Oct 2011 at 1:55 PM
^ agree
Since "Just Dance", the song which made her popular I just hate her...I don't know why, I just do. Maybe it's the fact that she looks so arrogant. I don't know if she is for real, but she looks like it. She does the STUPID things to turn heads, she writes songs that may have a catchy beat, but people listen to them for what, like a month? Maybe two....Good songs are the ones that stay cool through the years. I bet in 10 years from now no one will even recognise her. Not to mention she is a drug addict. She has tried all the existing drugs, her nails are in a bad condition because of it and she wears wigs to hide her falling hair. She is psychologically ill.
#5 Old 4th Mar 2012 at 12:36 AM
The constant blasphemy and her publicity stunts sicken me, but it just goes to show you how low performers like her have sunk. There are performers out there who would do anything to get attention, and it makes me sad that some performers feel that is the only way to get fans.

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#6 Old 5th Jul 2012 at 2:23 PM
I dont have any problems with her and I do believe that she does care about the bullies and wants us to feel beautiful. But she goes too far sometimes!! Im a vegeterian, and I was absuloutley disgusted with the meat dress! I used to look up to her, but that was horrible. -.-
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#7 Old 3rd Jul 2013 at 9:07 AM
yeah I'm aware this hasn't had a reply for a while but I already joined so I might as well say my piece. I can't say I hate her, there's not much reason for me to do so, but I can't get into her songs,(I believe she's been incorporating her piano into her music & writing better songs with some meaning & also pulled a Depeche Mode by making gloomier, darker songs as opposed to the dance tunes she made years prior & I applaud her for it) but I still can't get into her songs. For me personally she's been stigmatized for her ridiculous antics through the short years of her success. it may be because she seems so insecure despite how arrogant & sure of herself she likes to appear plus she's in my age group and it's possible we've listened to the same tunes in a similar period which is why some of the things she's done look so familiar & I've seen her apparent idols do it better so I can't take her seriously.
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