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#1 Old 7th May 2013 at 3:56 AM
Default Totally baseless plot speculation
Since the last EP will let sims travel into the future, do you think they'll be some Easter egg referencing TS4 in it? This would work if TS4 was a sequel to TS2, instead of a prequel. So, do Dustin and Angela stay together or did he and Lilith get together? Did Cassandra and Darren marry? Did Mortimer die directly after marrying Nina...

Then there's Don Lothario - he got teleported. Well, Cassandra was in the scientist career, so maybe she had something to do with it.

Obviously, all of this is based on TS4 being a TS2 sequel, but it seems reasonable enough. A big issue is all the timeline wonkiness in TS3, especially with different hoods in different times. But EA doesn't care about timeline wonkiness, anyway, as proven by both TS2 and TS3. Still, if we are getting to see previous characters in the future (or their children), then I'd like some followup on Strangetown, too.
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 7th May 2013 at 4:17 AM
That's some neat speculation! Especially given that the last TS3 expansion pack is about traveling into the future!
#3 Old 7th May 2013 at 4:26 AM
That's a great thought. I think it'd be a really nice tie-in if they set TS4 in the future. I'd like to return to Strangetown in particular...
Mad Poster
#4 Old 7th May 2013 at 5:24 AM
The way they talked about the back to the roots in the transcript, the first thing that came to my mind is that we would get an improved TS1 game. It would be fun if the time and characters are the same as in TS1. I mean, if they go any further into the future than TS2, Mortimer would be dead. I think he and Bella are so established as characters killing him off would be a bit harsh.

Unless it's something like, 25 years after TS2, Cassandra is an elder, living in the Goth mansion, when a light beam comes up in the yard, and Bella is kicked out of ta space shop, still as young as the day she disappeared. In some way, I'm sure there will be both Mortimer and Bella in the game.
And all the maladies of the world burst forth from Pandora's cooch
#5 Old 7th May 2013 at 6:31 AM
It's also possible that favorite characters will make a return, but as ghosts. Maybe Mortimer and Bella's grandchildren move into the mansion, only to find it's haunted by the remains of their dearly departed ancestors. That way, they can make some new blood, moving the story arc forward, but still give the option to resurrect them.
Mad Poster
#6 Old 7th May 2013 at 8:05 AM
The two things that struck me about the, "eyes," picture was that one of the sims looks like Bella Goth (come on, she's in EVERY FREAKING GAME, not that I'm complaining) and another looks just exactly like Daniel Pleasant. Who knows? Also, the girl with the red hair has brown eyebrows.

Angie/DS | Baby Sterling - 24/2/2014
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#7 Old 7th May 2013 at 8:11 AM
I think Bella persuaded the aliens that abducted her to get some revenge - and Don Lothario ended up in Riverview.

And I want to return to Strangetown!
Lab Assistant
#8 Old 10th May 2013 at 12:30 AM
Quote: Originally posted by ZenGarden
I think Bella persuaded the aliens that abducted her to get some revenge - and Don Lothario ended up in Riverview.

And I want to return to Strangetown!


Lab Assistant
#9 Old 10th May 2013 at 2:53 AM
Don's bio in TS3 said something about hearing some girls laughing at him before he was teleported. That tells me that Nina and Dina (is that their names?) had something to do with it, but as several of you have pointed out, Bella might have wanted revenge and Cassandra was in the science career.
I like the idea that Alexander and Bella will end up back together and transported into the future, which makes sense. Also, aliens. Aliens everywhere.


What if there's an alien-themed neighborhood where Alexander and Bella Goth live? Then at least we'd see some genetic variety. Let's call it Strangetown 2.0, and then we can include Sims from previous games who were transported there as well. (There were creepy Simhenge formations and rocks with aliens painted on them in Sunset Valley and Riverview.)
I'd fucking love it.

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#10 Old 10th May 2013 at 3:16 AM
I honestly hope they don't do more crazy stuff like time traveling and what-not of Bella and Mortimer, personally. I want it to be 25 years later and non-crazy stuff to have happened.
But I'm also a history buff who loves the Elder Scrolls games where it all makes sense. I realized when Monte Vista came out that EA really doesn't give a flying flip if things make sense or not, lol.
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