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Forum Resident
#26 Old 6th Feb 2016 at 8:11 PM
So the only time I've played the Travellers, it was in a very specific neighborhood of mine. I only did it because I wanted an empty Sim bin and Tina kept showing up at my sims houses.

My special neighborhood has ALL MALE playables. I do not have one female playable. For some reason, I play more long term with the guys (it's the yaoi fangirl in me). So I had to genderbend Trisha and Tina after installing the family into an old townhouse they'd have to renovate. I LOVE YOU, SIMPE!

Trent, Tristan, and Timothy are slowly renovating their new house. Trent is in the adventurer career and is loving the chance to travel and make money! Tristan is sort of job hopping. He hasn't found anything he likes. He keeps rolling to quit his job!

Timothy... Honestly, I'm a bit concerned. The son of my town witch (My witch is now neutral. He went dark for a long while after being left at the altar. Thankfully after he met his husband, who tried to rob his house and shop, he calmed down.) is being stalked by Timothy. Seriously, they're friends, but Timothy walks by the shop all the time after school. It's pretty rare to see the kids walk by businesses and houses so I was really surprised.

Tristan is getting a bit distant with his family. He doesn't spend any time with Trent as he always claims to be too tired. He also doesn't spend time with Timothy, who really needs a positive influence in his life right now! All he does is paint all day!

Trent is a good father and when he's not adventuring, he's spending time with Timothy. Usually the two camp out in front of the television at night after a quick dinner (TRISTAN IS A HORRIBLE COOK OMG! HE BURNS EVERYTHING!) Trent whipped up.

So, Timothy is about to become a teenager, Trent is blazing through his career track, and Tristan is one step away from having an affair.

Fun times...

For my physical health, I can't eat cheesecake everyday.
For my mental health, I imagine eating cheesecake everyday.
It's a delicate balance.
Forum Resident
#27 Old 6th Feb 2016 at 10:35 PM
In my current 'hood, I changed Trent's LTW so that he now wants to top the adventurer career. By the rules I'm using, he's the only sim in my town who can currently take vacations at regular game costs (everyone else pays extra until I build an airport). He can take family on his trips sometimes, and brings Tina along when I send him on weekends or in the summer. With him, I'm trying to complete all vacation memories. I built the family an A-frame house in the woods, with two bedrooms upstairs.

Trisha started an affair with Julien Cooke, and Trent caught them as he returned from one vacation. Trent and Trisha were then horrible to each other for a day or two, then Trent divorced her. This devastated Trent, but Trisha got a happy memory from it. Trisha now lives with Julien and the two of them are opening a restaurant together. While Tina was still a child, Trisha called and invited her over a fair bit, but she hasn't been calling as often since Tina became a teen. I don't know if Trisha and Julien will have children or marry; they are both career focused at the moment.

Trent took a vacation with Tina after the divorce and met Bigfoot. After a second short vacation, Herbert Bigfoot moved in with them, and they built him a small cabin in the back of their lot. Bigfoot helped Trent grow a marijuana garden, and is interested in flower arranging. Tina is now a teen and has a crush on one of her childhood friends, but also seems concerned about helping her father; she often cleans or makes meals autonomously. Her dad needs the help - he's still got conflicting feelings about Trisha and Julien, and cannot care for himself autonomously at all. If left to himself, he'd paint until near death or use the telescope until dawn and then start again until Cyd Roseland came over to push him. Last rotation I sent him on a vacation to try to cheer him up, and he got a crush on a vacation local, but he still is relying heavily on Tina and Herbert. Trent also got a telescope and was abducted by aliens. He's the first to have an alien baby in this hood. Trent does have occasional parenting wants, like to see Tina get scholarships,to talk or play with her, or to play with the baby.
Test Subject
#28 Old 9th Apr 2019 at 8:36 AM
trent Is a jerk
Test Subject
#29 Old 9th Apr 2019 at 8:39 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Rosebine
They Traveled out of my game a while ago.

Tree fell Trent kisses trees
Test Subject
#30 Old 9th Apr 2019 at 8:53 AM
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
I have played them a couple of times.

Once was in a messy house challenge. I gave them another baby and they had to try and clear out the trash, get all the weeds-dozens of them while raising their toddler. I aged the girl down to toddler and had the mother get pregnant right away as I don't like only children and didn't want a huge gap between siblings.

The second time I added them to my integrated hood into an apartment and she had twins. I sent him to adult learning. This is over in my main game which takes ages to load and I haven't played them again. I'm now playing a new sims 2 folder and a new integrated hood now without pre-mades or townies. I think they may be the only pre-mades in the family bin and I plan to leave them there.

Test Subject
#31 Old 9th Apr 2019 at 8:54 AM
Vampire Trent
Lab Assistant
#32 Old 9th Apr 2019 at 3:40 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Gtasagamer22awesome44
Vampire Trent

Well, that actually sums up his short destiny in my game. In early, setting-up the Uberhood days, I made a vampire named Countess Fiorentina Mozzarella and moved in Julien Cooke with her as her chef/servant/butler. He made friends with the Ramaswamis and the Travellers and invited all four adults over at night ofetn because his boss Countess Fiorentina felt lonely. The plan worked, she made friends with all four of them and turned them into vampires. I shrugged it off.

It was bright morning on the shared lot of the Ramaswami couple and the Traveller family when I visited their home. Tina went of to school and her neighbours and parents, well, they burned to death because I forgot to buy some coffins early enough and shrugged it off. After all, it was my mistake and I decided just to go with the flow. So, Tina returned home, only to find four gravestones and later was taken by the social worker.

But this wasn't the end. Julien Cooke felt really sorry, because he was the one who introduced them to a vampire in the first place, so he adopted Tina and became a good father. He could never forget her mother Trisha, who he has ridonkulous chemistry with, so when the fortune teller dropped off a magic lamp, he wished for Trisha to come back to life. Long story short, they fell in love and married. He used the other two wishes for the Ramaswamis, who came also back to life.

Julien and Trisha Traveller, Tina and Countess Fiorentina live now in the house of the fallen trees in Downtown. Tina became a popularity sim who got rejected recently for her first kiss by Georgia Newson. Countess Fiorentina is happy that her son Valentin has a playmate and her two lovely servants Julien and Trisha, to cook and look after him during the day. Julien works also as a chef and Trisha works in the dancing career, they became parents of a little girl named Pastis last round. Everyone is happy...

...and they never ever speak of Trent, who lies on the graveyard of Veronaville.

Sorry for my grammar errors - english is not my native language :)
#33 Old 9th Apr 2019 at 4:18 PM
Trent gave up his soul-killing career in law and moved to a tiny house in Widespot. Trent longed to recapture his teenage years as a surfer so he used his savings to buy out the public pool. He is the lifeguard there and keeps it free for the citizens, just living off a lease from the city, I think... it's a technical lawyer thing. Trisha is pregnant, and Trent dotes on Tina, so he's looking forward to the baby. Tina loves running around the small quiet town with the Newsons, who are also new, and all the other Widespot kids. Trisha is part of Candy Hart's mommy group and is beginning to feel a bit more comfortable as the nesting hormones kick in. They are living a simpler life, but they'll be ok. Widespot needed a lifeguard and Trent feels a lot more useful here than he did defending giant corporations.
#34 Old 9th Apr 2019 at 4:37 PM
Last I played them, they moved into a modest house in Belladonna Cove and ended up with quads. Between them and my legacy family who also live in the same neighbourhood, they're going to entirely populate the hood with just those two families in a couple of generations!!


Mad Poster
#35 Old 9th Apr 2019 at 5:57 PM
I love Trent the lifeguard. Since he and Trisha are retired in my game, and live in the retirement subhood, they may just as well buy a swimming pool (I will build them a small one) He should not have too much trouble, since his granddaughter is the mayor She can and will enjoy attending the opening of the Trent's Pool, I think.
#36 Old 9th Apr 2019 at 6:34 PM
I played the Travellers once, a long time ago.

And I realize I keep mixing them up with the Gavigans....they seems so similar, just one family has a little girl and one has a little boy.

Avatar by MasterRed
Taking an extended break from Sims stuff. Might be around, might not.
Mad Poster
#37 Old 9th Apr 2019 at 7:18 PM
The Travellers are the ones who have absolutely no chemistry. The Gavigans are the ones with lowish chemistry. Drama Acres Nathan was pretty hapless, too - he never picked right on a chance card in his life - and Strangetown Nathan is driving the marriage into the dust, but Widespot Nathan has it on the ball.

They're an obvious set of families to spouse-swap. Trent and Mary can easily be brought to triple bolts, and Nathan and Trisha have good solid chemistry, too. Both husbands also have fitness turn-ons, which in my game is normally an indication of attraction to males, though not as strong a one as the facial hair turn-on. I'm doing that storyline with Retropleasantspot Nathan, and was going to do it with Trent, too, but Retropleasantspot Trent is almost competent, and is spontaneously affectionate with Trisha, so I've left them.

Depression Riverblossom Trent and Trisha don't have an active woohoo life, but they also don't seem to want one. When the Crash spoiled the foreign exchange rate and devalued their savings, they moved into a family property that was a little too expensive for them in Riverblossom. Trisha's managing Stella's hair salon, she and Tina put in a truck patch, and Trent was working in Herbert Goodie's lab at LGU; but then the social worker took Tina because she got too cold, and this galvanized Trent. He's gone back to the hated law career and is going after the County for all he's worth. When he gets up to Family law I'll let them have her back. Meanwhile, Gabe O'Mackey is fostering her. She's aged to teen and is doing pretty well. She got to invite her parents to her birthday party.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
#38 Old 9th Apr 2019 at 7:36 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
The Travellers are the ones who have absolutely no chemistry. The Gavigans are the ones with lowish chemistry. Drama Acres Nathan was pretty hapless, too - he never picked right on a chance card in his life - and Strangetown Nathan is driving the marriage into the dust, but Widespot Nathan has it on the ball.

They're an obvious set of families to spouse-swap.

In my Widespot, the Gavigans are in a triad with Cyd Roseland. Thanks to Quiet Pregnancy, none of us knows the biological father of the baby Mary is carrying.
#39 Old 9th Apr 2019 at 9:36 PM
so far very little gameplay with the Traveller family.
was moved in Belladonna Cove for a while; but the neighborhood seemed to like reset sometime ago.

I have plans to give Tina a brother in every neighborhood; and to make Trent alien-impregnated in Strangetown.
Lab Assistant
#40 Old 10th Apr 2019 at 6:59 AM
Whenever I need employees for a bussines lot, I use a family from the bin. In Pleasantview the Travellers have bought an old winery and adopted a cute dog. (I've made all the white boxy houses into very old looking buildings, like a few hundreds of years old). And because everytime a sim gets a visit from the mad therapist I change something big in their lives. So Dina Caliente had a good "therapy", stopped hunting for rich men and started to make a living by herself by opening a flower shop. Trisha Traveller works now as her cashier.
Trent Traveller is an at home dad, and takes care of their daugter, the dog and the garden. Until a new business opens, or maybe he starts selling his garden fruits. Sometimes they invite their best friend Julien Cooke for diner who will become a chef for a restaurant I'm planning.
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