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#1 Old 18th Jan 2015 at 3:32 PM Last edited by Lyralei : 10th May 2018 at 5:17 PM. Reason: Added pose animation
Default TS4 Poses and Animations
These are the rubrics that MTS staff use for evaluating TS4 Poses and Animations shared here.

Note to moderators: This first post (the summary) must be maintained manually. If you delete or add a rubric item or reorder anything, please edit this first post. All edits to Common Rubrics requiring editing its summary must be manually updated on every single individual rubric thread. Please copy the # link to use in the summaries, not the post number, to view the individual post.

1.Natural Pose
2.Anatomically Possible
3.Respect for the Laws of Gravity
4.Sinking or Floating
5.Stretched Skeleton

1. (From common rubrics) Title
2. (From common rubrics) Description
3. Animation Overwritten
4. Time Animation Runs For
5. **Props or Custom Content Links
6. **New Mesh Info

1.Show the Whole Thing
3.Include Additional Angles
6 In-Game Screenshots
7. Pose Animation
50. (From common rubrics) Size
51. (From common rubrics) Lighting
52. (From common rubrics) Clarity
53. (From common rubrics) Distance
54. (From common rubrics) Distortion
55. (From common rubrics) Photoshopping
56. (From common rubrics) Attached
57. **(From common rubrics) Show all items
58. (From common rubrics) Inline images

50. (From common rubrics) Rar, zip, 7z

1. (From common rubrics) Pay or pirated content
2. (From common rubrics) Adult content
3. (From common rubrics) Content we do not allow
4. (From common rubrics) Credits

Note: These are the only rubric items that can be rejected for on their own, with no other rubric items selected at all.

1. (From common rubrics) Uploader requested
2. (From common rubrics) Stolen content
3. (From common rubrics) Other
4. (From common rubrics) Duplicate
5. (From common rubrics) Uploads in Sets
6. (From common rubrics) Not Completed Requested Changes
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Original Poster
#2 Old 30th Nov 2013 at 7:36 AM Last edited by Lyralei : 10th May 2018 at 3:00 PM. Reason: removed irrelevant links
Default Quality|1|Natural Pose
1:Many joints were left un-posed and in the default position leaving most of the pose looking very stiff and unnatural. Don't forget to pose the face, hands and fingers as they count a great deal towards the overall natural feel of your pose.

2:A few joints were left un-posed and in the default position leaving a few parts of the pose looking stiff and unnatural. Don't forget to pose the face, hands and fingers as they count a great deal towards the overall natural feel of your pose.

3:Overall your poses look natural but one or two joints were left at or very close to the default position or otherwise look a little stiff.

4:Your poses look natural and not overly stiff. Lovely.

5:Your poses look totally natural and organic, and not stiff at all. Fantastic!
The other one
Original Poster
#3 Old 30th Nov 2013 at 7:37 AM Last edited by Lyralei : 10th May 2018 at 3:00 PM. Reason: removed irrelevant links
Default Quality|2|Anatomically Possible
1:Many joints are rotated in a way that is either impossible to do in real life or that doesn’t work well on sims. It could be that only one or two joints are affected but are extremely noticeable. Whenever you're unsure, use a mirror to check what's possible on your own body or maybe work from pictures of real people/animals.

3:Most joints are rotated in a way that is anatomically possible and, overall, the pose looks quite natural.

5:All of the joints are rotated in a way that is anatomically possible and your poses look very natural. Great job!
The other one
Original Poster
#4 Old 30th Nov 2013 at 7:38 AM
Default Quality|3|Respect for the Laws of Gravity
1:One or more of your poses seem unbalanced to the extent that the model appears to be falling over or is otherwise defying gravity. Poses should have a believable center of gravity, e.g. if you pose sims to stand on one leg, their torso should be roughly centered above the foot they're standing on.

5:Your pose(s) look nicely balanced. Nice Work.
The other one
Original Poster
#5 Old 30th Nov 2013 at 7:38 AM
Default Quality|4|Sinking or Floating
1:One or more of your poses appear to be sinking below or floating above the surface they're resting on.

2:It's impossible to tell if your pose is sinking or floating because of the imagery provided. If your background has been edited out or the shadows can't be seen beneath the sim, the pose will usually look like it's floating in thin air. Poses should not noticeably sink into or float above the surface that they're intended to be resting on.

3:Some of your model's joints may be sinking into the floor/objects unnecessarily, or floating a little too high above the floor/object so that your sim doesn't look entirely stable. However, your poses do appear to be in contact with the ground and/or the objects that you have used.

5:Your poses are positioned accurately upon the surface that they're resting on. Great work!
The other one
Original Poster
#6 Old 30th Nov 2013 at 7:38 AM
Default Quality|5|Stretched Skeleton
1:One or more of your poses have stretched or compressed bones or bones that are bent at impossible/unnatural angles. Remember, joints should usually only be rotated, not moved.

5:Your model's skeleton appears to be in proportion with no signs of stretching, compression or bones being bent unnaturally. Nice work!
The other one
Original Poster
#7 Old 30th Nov 2013 at 7:38 AM
Default Quality|6|Clipping
1:One or more of your poses are making parts of the sim mesh clip into each other quite noticeably or parts that are clearly supposed to be touching are much too far apart. Keep in mind that some poses which are possible in real life may not be possible for sims.

3:One or more of your poses are making parts of the sim mesh clip into each other a little or parts that are supposed to be touching are just a bit too far apart. The clipping/floating is noticeable but quite minor.

5:Where parts of your poses are intended to make contact with, or be in close proximity to each other, they do so without clipping or being too far apart. Nice work!
The other one
Original Poster
#8 Old 30th Nov 2013 at 7:43 AM Last edited by Lyralei : 10th May 2018 at 3:03 PM. Reason: Fixed objects link
Default **Quality|7|Props
1:You have uploaded props (new object meshes) to be used with your poses but they do not meet some or all of the quality requirements for TS4 object. |TS4 Object Guidelines.

5: Your new mesh meets all the quality requirements for TS3 object uploads. Nice work!
The other one
Original Poster
#9 Old 30th Nov 2013 at 7:59 AM Last edited by spladoum : 18th Jan 2015 at 7:59 PM.
Default Information|3|Animation Overwritten
1:You have not indicated which animation this pose overwrites.

5:You have indicated which animation this pose will replace. Sweet!
The other one
Original Poster
#10 Old 30th Nov 2013 at 8:06 AM Last edited by spladoum : 18th Jan 2015 at 8:01 PM.
Default Information|4|Time Animation Runs For
1:You have not indicated how long the sim will remain in this pose.

5:You have detailed how long players can expect their sims to hold the pose before it resets. Thank you!
The other one
Original Poster
#11 Old 30th Nov 2013 at 8:13 AM
Default **Information|5|Props or Custom Content Links
1:One or more of your poses was created to be used with a piece of custom content which is either pay or pirated content and therefore cannot be supported by MTS.

2:One or more of your poses was created to be used with a specific piece of custom content which you have not provided a link to.

5:You have properly credited and linked to the custom content that your poses were designed to be used with and they are completely free! Thanks
The other one
Original Poster
#12 Old 30th Nov 2013 at 8:19 AM Last edited by Lyralei : 10th May 2018 at 3:03 PM. Reason: Fixed objects link
Default **Information|6|New Mesh Info
1:You have uploaded props (new object meshes) to be used with your poses but have not included the required information for new object uploads. (You must include the same information you would as if uploading it separately). |TS4 Object Guidelines.

5: You have included all of the required information for your new mesh upload. Thanks
The other one
Original Poster
#13 Old 30th Nov 2013 at 8:30 AM
Default Screenshots|1|Show the Whole Thing
1:You haven't included full length/width pictures of all the poses in your set. You should have at least one picture of each and every pose you are sharing, showing the whole thing without anything cut off or cropped out.

5:You have provided enough screenshots that show the full length and width of all poses in the set. Thanks!
The other one
Original Poster
#14 Old 30th Nov 2013 at 8:37 AM
Default Screenshots|2|Uncovered
1: Parts of one or more of your poses is obscured from view. Make sure not to cover the pose with long hair, text added in a photo editor, objects in the way, or your model in clothing like long fluffy skirts that hide a lot of the body. If you're unsure about which outfit to put your model in, short hair and tight pants and shirts are usually a safe bet

5:Your poses are shown clearly without disrupting the view of the joints or shape of the skeleton. Thanks!
The other one
Original Poster
#15 Old 30th Nov 2013 at 8:44 AM
Default Screenshots|3|Include Additional Angles if Necessary
1:The images provided do not adequately show all of the key elements for each pose; at least the face, hands and limb joints of every pose in the set should be visible. You may need to show side on views or take a few shots from additional angles if the pose is quite complex or if it's in a bending/crouching position.

4:You have provided enough images to show the key elements of each pose though some may still benefit from an additional shot or alternative angle to show the pose in its entirety.

5:You have provided enough screenshots that show the key elements and then some for all the poses in the set. Thanks!
The other one
Original Poster
#16 Old 30th Nov 2013 at 8:50 AM Last edited by Lyralei : 10th May 2018 at 3:05 PM. Reason: Fixing objects link
Default **Screenshots|4|Props
1:Your upload file includes a new object to be used as a prop with your poses but you have not included the required images for uploading new objects. Please provide images of the channels, CAST presets and tiling. | TS4 Object Guidelines.

2:If your poses are made specifically to be used with a certain prop or special item of clothing, please show them using the objects as intended in your screenshots.

5:You have included the necessary screenshots for your new object upload as well as examples of the prop being used with the poses. Great!
The other one
Original Poster
#17 Old 30th Nov 2013 at 8:59 AM
Default Screenshots|5|In-Game Screenshots
1:All required screenshots must be taken in the game with actual in-game backgrounds. Please don't cut and paste your models onto random non-game backgrounds.

5:You have provided in-game images of your poses. Fantastic!
The other one
Original Poster
#18 Old 30th Nov 2013 at 9:00 AM
Default Information|7|Expansion Pack Required
1:You have not selected the correct expansion pack information. Make sure to select only the expansions needed for the content you're uploading. Poses usually require only the base game unless they're made specifically to be used with a prop from another EP.

5:You have correctly indicated which EPs are required to use these poses. Great!
Virtual gardener
staff: administrator
#19 Old 10th May 2018 at 4:19 PM
Default Screenshots|6|Pose animation
1:While you have showed images of your animation, downloaders would love to see it in action as well! Uploading a gif or video will help you with this so downloaders can see the movement of your animation Do make sure the whole body is being shown, so it's easy to see the whole thing!

2:While you have shown your pose animated as a video or gif, we can't see the entire body of the sim. Make sure your downloaders can see the whole animation well and clear and no parts of the sim is being cut off

5:Your video/gif of the animation looks really well done and clearly shows the animation! Awesome!
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