2nd Sep 2015 at 5:13 PM
Last edited by gazania : 2nd Sep 2015 at
5:29 PM.
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OK ... I've been thinking about this for some time. And I'm still advanced-beginner-level, so I'm probably not the best person to write this. I cannot do "stunning" yet. I'm not sure I ever will, though I do believe I can attain a better level of proficiency. But ....
I am amazed how many items you can use for purposes for which they were probably not intended.
This might be a cheap trick, but I find half-walls are great for designs such as these:
http://www.architecturaldesigns.com...lan-80674PM.asp (My last project ... I converted the basic design into a coffee house. There are never enough coffee houses.)
I find that no matter what I do, if I use shed roofs for buildings like these and overhang these roofs as you see in the picture, I often wind up with an annoying gap between the roof and the rest of the building. I stick a floor in there (so I don't get the "weather in my house" comment or freezing Sims. stick the half-floor where I expect the gap to be before putting the roof in there, and futz around with the roof angle. I sometimes still get a small gap, and in the case of game content, a slight "lip" from the top of the half-wall, but at least it doesn't annoy the crap out of me! Not submission-worthy (and much of my stuff probably isn't), but it makes me happy.
But not very stunning, I'm afraid. Just something that satisfies my obsessive nature.
I should add that I have used the double-roof method for overhangs. I find the half-wall method works better in some instances.
Other non-CC items can cover gaps or add some definition to a space using cheats ... even non-build items. I'm not sure where I'd be without move_objects or snap_objects ... probably not building very much! And yes ... I would use a painting or plant to cover a hole or unsightly stain in real life. I wish I had move_objects and snap_objects in real life, though.
Thanks to ALL free-site creators, admins and mods.
RIP Sunni ... truly a ray of light.