Meet the Creator - IceMunMun - April 2019
Our April creator is the fantastic and incredibly talented modder, IceMunMun. When she's not hard at work as a doctor, she's busy making delicious food and innovative mods for our sims!
1. When did you start playing The Sims Series and what attracted you to it?
I started playing in late 2005. What attracted me to the game was the concept of absolute freedom to do whatever I wanted with pixel people. And of course wish fulfillment
2. What is your favourite installment of the Sims series?
My favourite installment is still the Sims 3 (even though I do not play it as often I want to).
3. If you could only have one expansion/stuff pack from any of the series and it would work with your preferred instalment (1,2,3 etc), what would it be?
I would give anything to have Open For Business for Sims 3 and Magic/Supernatural for Sims 4 (yeah Okay…I cheated
4. When did you start creating for the game and what made you decide to become a creator?
I started creating in 2012-13 but only started sharing in 2014. I had always wanted to make food and harvestables for my sims and since there was a scarcity of those for sims 3, I decided to get my hands dirty and jump right in!
5. What is your favourite thing about being a creator?
My favourite thing is the opportunity to brainstorm different ideas and be able to see it to fruition!
6. What was your first creation? Photos welcome!
I think my first non-lot upload was a Cardamom harvestable for Sims 3. Oh the absolute happiness I felt, when I could actually get to work and fit for upload!
7. What creation are you most proud of?
I am most proud of the Candle Making Station for Sims 4 because I built the idea up from scratch. I could have said the Canning Station for Sims 4 but I borrowed some ideas from Sims 3 for it so not wholly my own concept!
8. What is your most/least favourite thing to create?
Most favourite thing to create is food ofcourse :p
Least favourite thing is to create recolours of any sort!
9. Are you influenced by any other creators (for The Sims or elsewhere)?
I can’t possibly answer this because I am influenced by the modding and CC making community as a whole! There are such wonderful, clever and creative people all around!
10. Who is your favourite Sims creator(s)?
See the answer to the previous question!
11. What piece of CC would you recommend to anyone reading this (yours or otherwise)?
For sims 3, I cannot play without the NRaas suite of mods and for Sims4, I cannot play without UI extension cheat by weerbesu and MCCC by Deaderpool. So those are my recommendations!
12. What tips do you have for up and coming creators?
I would say that you need to keep doing what you like and look into the game files and learn about all the different resources in game! If you try to force yourself to create/make a particular type of mod/CC you do not like, you will burn out real soon!
Quick fire:
1. Strangetown or Strangerville?
2. Agnes Crumplebottom or Nancy Landgraab?
Agnes Crumplebottom of course!
3. Space Squids or Blue Slugs?
Space Squids maybe
4. Cocktails or Cookery?
Why do I need to choose? I choose both!
5. Freeze needs or fulfill needs?
Fullfill needs
Thank you so much for taking part! MunMun's CC can be found
here and
here on MTS!