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#1 Old 26th Mar 2020 at 4:23 PM
Default Edited, Pre-made world crashing to desktop while populating world.
I've spent at least two years editing a map of Bridgeport I downloaded from this site, basically adding a few more areas complete with residential and commercial lots. Anyway I got to the point of populating the world in game (not in EIG via CAW) I got to about 52 residents, 50 service and 38 homeless before crashing to desktop. I read somewhere that sims and lots can be "hard coded" into the world so I deleted and refreshed lots in CAW and did Master Controller's total annellation in EIG But that hasn't solved it. The game doesn't crash with just the residents only when I used Nraas register to assign the global roles like bar tenders and other modded role giving items. Is there a limit to role sims you can have, I assumed the total sims in town was the only restraint, I've only got 140, is that the maximum?
So basically after spending so much time on this world I'm sad that I just cant seem to get this to work and I was hoping someone could help with suggestions, or even better take a look and see if they can solve it. I'm guessing that ether, the world is just too much with the population added or I'm missing something ether though implementation of the population in game or some CC I have is crashing it. I didn't intend on releasing the world due to the custom content used but if someone amazing modder out there can sort this for me then as long as I get it back working then they could do whatever they want with it. Also if they had a patreon, then I could reimburse them for their time. I'm pretty gutted at this point so any help at all would be appreciated. Thanks.
Top Secret Researcher
#2 Old 26th Mar 2020 at 6:35 PM
What map did you use? Was it a default replacement for Bridgeport or a standalone copy?
Did you clean the global layer?
Also, the world crashing might have something to do with the level of detail you added, and/or CC you used (one bad piece of CC can do that).
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#3 Old 27th Mar 2020 at 2:30 PM
Thanks for the reply. I can't find the original map on MTS anymore but its was something like this " http://modthesims.info/d/557213/bridgeport-emptied.html ". Basically the map but with some routing fixes I think. It still had all the plots and EA residents still in it. That's all I remember about it. I not sure what you mean by clean the global layer? Ive not added tons of detail really, just some deco buildings from here " http://monsooncreations.blogspot.co...ern-europe.html " and here " http://tjstreakssims.blogspot.com/ " as well as from Potato-ballad-sims Boroughsburg. I added a few plots containing the buildings from Around the Sims too. I've added two more areas as well.
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#4 Old 1st Apr 2020 at 8:22 PM
I've cleaned the global layer using https://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=473791 by simsample from your CAW Guide. My world is still crashing around 188 sims. Any ideas? Thanks for the help.
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#5 Old 5th Apr 2020 at 4:46 PM
I found a solution to this if anyone is wondering. It came from a user on www.nraas.net. Here's the page https://www.nraas.net/community/post72993#p72993 . Thanks again Norn.
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