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Rubric Wrangler
retired moderator
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#1 Old 17th Apr 2020 at 4:26 PM
Default 2020 recruitment drive
Hello folks! As you likely know, MTS is a site run entirely by volunteers. And it's time for us to look at bringing in another group of people to help with one of the biggest jobs on the site, moderating the queue. It's a task great for those with attention to detail, good teamwork skills, and the sort of positive attitude that believes that any Sims content, no matter how, uh, "unique", can be helped with some gentle encouragement and pointers! And on top of that, you'll be trained by and working with a team of some of the nicest, most chill people around. What's not to like?

Interested? Check out the application thread for full details on how to apply, and if you have any questions on the process. This year we're going to be trying things a little differently, we'll be allowing people to apply whenever they want, not just at particular times of the year. However, we'll be looking to bring up a new batch of trainees within the next few months, so if you want in for this round, apply soon! Stay safe and happy, everyone.

The meadows are in bloom:
who has ever seen such insolence?

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