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#1 Old 29th Jun 2020 at 4:00 AM Last edited by omglo : 30th Jun 2020 at 3:41 PM.
Default Can I clone an outfit with SimPE (for a pet)
The NPC skunk is a cat wearing a skunk outfit. I'd like to be able to clone that outfit to make a differently shaped cat, but obviously, bodyshop can't handle animals, so I can't make a recolor, use PSJE to link it to the mesh etc, like you would if you were making an outfit. I used SimPE to extract all the skunk outfit parts I could find and linked them together as a standalone clone, but when cats wear it, they're invisible except for the tail, and it's using the cat tail, not the skunk tail, so clearly, something is wrong. I've started over several times this weekend, without progress. I've attached the skunk and the modded vase used to change the outfit.

I looked at kitten in the window's recoloring tutorials, but those are about genetics, which doesn't apply here. I'm also not trying to create an outfit that can be selected in CAS or an accessory. My package has a guid, and I'll use a BHAV to make the cat wear it, if it's even possible to make a functional clone.

edit - marked solved
Forum Resident
#2 Old 29th Jun 2020 at 12:44 PM
First off: that's so cool!! I really hope you get this to work :-)

I dropped all files in my test-neighborhood and tried using both options on the vase on my cat, but nothing happened. My cat is still completely visible, all that changed was that the UI photo. I tried force error - reset as well without luck (in case that could help).
Mad Poster
#3 Old 29th Jun 2020 at 2:41 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 29th Jun 2020 at 2:58 PM.
KittenInTheWindow has some tutorials and such on other things than pet genetics, too. There was something on making pet coats (which I assume the skunk coat is) and probably also fur/tail bits and pieces, which aren't really clothes or accessories but what I'd think are regular fur pieces.

I'd think you'd have to extract all the skunk coats and such, and set them up so you could make a pet out of it. That would probably be the safest approach.

Cloning outfits in SimPE doesn't generally work, as they need to get new instance/group/whatever numbers in Bodyshop. The closest pets have to clothes is accessories (collars) and they come with their own sets of issues (they don't animate very well). DeeDee on Tumblr has some custom pet accessories if you want to take a look.

I have made a pet show up in Bodyshop, but that was more of an accidental happening than meaning to (extracted from ingame and forgot to remove the file). Showed up very strange, and I doubt I could've done anything much with it.
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#4 Old 29th Jun 2020 at 3:02 PM Last edited by omglo : 30th Jun 2020 at 3:18 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by vegan_kaktus
First off: that's so cool!! I really hope you get this to work :-)

I dropped all files in my test-neighborhood and tried using both options on the vase on my cat, but nothing happened. My cat is still completely visible, all that changed was that the UI photo. I tried force error - reset as well without luck (in case that could help).

Hmm, that's weird. The vase should work by clicking on it with your cat (using the controlpets cheat). And the real skunk thing should definitely work because that's straight Maxis code.

Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
KittenInTheWindow has some tutorials and such on other things than pet genetics, too. There was something on making pet coats (which I assume the skunk coat is) and probably also fur/tail bits and pieces, which aren't really clothes or accessories but what I'd think are regular fur pieces.

I'd think you'd have to extract all the skunk coats and such, and set them up so you could make a pet out of it.

Cloning outfits in SimPE doesn't generally work, as they need to get new instance/group/whatever numbers in Bodyshop. The closest pets have to clothes is accessories (collars) and they come with their own sets of issues (they don't animate very well). DeeDee on Tumblr has some custom pet accessories if you want to take a look.

I have made a pet show up in Bodyshop, but that was more of an accidental happening than meaning to (extracted from ingame and forgot to remove the file). Showed up very strange, and I doubt I could've done anything much with it.

I looked through KittenIntheWindow's tumblr, and I only saw three tutorials, all on recolors. I gave my file new instance/groups with the fix TGI (which is how it's done when you make a new pet collar). I don't think the accessory tutorial will work for me, but thanks for the suggestion.
Attached files:
File Type: zip  skunk-outfit.zip (639.4 KB, 3 downloads)
Forum Resident
#5 Old 29th Jun 2020 at 3:43 PM
Sorry if I was unclear! I have controlpets on (it's in my startup file) and I did click on the vase and tried out both interactions, but nothing happened to my cat at all. It didn't turn invisible like you mentioned it did for you, all that happened was the UI pose changed :-/
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#6 Old 29th Jun 2020 at 4:04 PM
Thanks for checking it out. I have no idea why it wouldn't work. Do you, by any chance have MidgeTheTree's supernatural transformer? The make skunk option on her mod is the same as mine on the vase. You don't have to download it, or anything, but I'm curious if hers works for you.
Mad Poster
#7 Old 29th Jun 2020 at 4:18 PM
I think you'll want to have a look at how they did the pet furs and pet coats. The pet furs are a different type of accessories, linked to the pet coats, which is probably more like what you'll want. It could be they have already had a look at the skunk outfit - maybe send them a message on Tumblr and see if they have some insight?

A pet and a NPC would work differently. It would essentially be the same as extracting all the items and presets for a particular NPC without it actually being linked to the NPC, like making a fully playable, safe version out of Crumplebottom or the Therapist. You don't want anything NPC-related lurking inside there.
Forum Resident
#8 Old 29th Jun 2020 at 5:41 PM Last edited by vegan_kaktus : 29th Jun 2020 at 7:13 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by omglo
Thanks for checking it out. I have no idea why it wouldn't work. Do you, by any chance have MidgeTheTree's supernatural transformer? The make skunk option on her mod is the same as mine on the vase. You don't have to download it, or anything, but I'm curious if hers works for you.

I have her mod, but I haven't tried the "make skunk" option though (didn't even know it existed!), I'll give it a try

Edit: her "make skunk" option did not work for me either, no error or anything, literally nothing happens. I'll send an ask to Midge and ask!

Edit #2: Midge answered me here and it seems the skunk outfit is female only, and I didn't think of trying the interaction with a female (bc I didn't think the gender would make any difference, haha!) but with the mod Midge shared now it works for males as well. Anyway, with that out of the way, your interaction does make my cat invisible now. And what I did realize now, is that the cat's tail is showing a bit on Midge's interaction as well, but when saving and exiting the game, then starting it again, the tails are not showing through the skunk's "outfit" anymore. It's the same with your skunk, the tail is gone after re-starting the game and now completely invisible.

Hopefully this was some helpful information! Sorry I couldn't help with your invisible problem, though :-)
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#9 Old 29th Jun 2020 at 8:34 PM Last edited by omglo : 29th Jun 2020 at 10:23 PM.
That was definitely helpful. I didn't realize the outfit was only for females, either and wouldn't have known if it weren't for you hitting a snag in testing the mod. And making the cat invisible is something. Not what I wanted, but it's better than it not having an effect at all.

As for the other pet CC, like accessories, I have looked at the tutorials for pet stuff and opened up the files to get an idea of what to do, but since that didn't work, coming here was the next step. If I don't get anywhere with this thread, I'll reach out to KiTW, My policy is always to open a thread first.
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#10 Old 30th Jun 2020 at 3:50 PM
I figured it out! The problem was simple, too. Turns out that the finder tool in SimPE didn't pull up all the resources I needed. Now that I have a working clone, I'm going to try and swap out the mesh, (which I expect to be a challenge because we don't have a jointed cat base for milkshape, like the Sim bases). Anyway, if this is successful, I'll make a tutorial.
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