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Lab Assistant
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#1 Old 16th Jul 2020 at 9:10 PM
Default WCIF a "children go to Downtown" mod/objects?

So, yeah, a lot of time ago I found a Sims 1 web (one, I believe, had a "only pay members area"), that had a series of Hot Date objects modded to be used by children, sucha as the flower stand, the ice-cream cart, and I believe, even the restaurant podium. It also had a phone plugin s children could call a cab and go Downtown by themselves.

The thing is... I haven't been able to found it anymore. Has anyone ever heard of something like this?
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 2nd Sep 2020 at 2:48 AM
I think I found what your looking for!well least a couple like the icecream I saw gardening too but I could be wrong
go here
go to left side click on ::.Spezial.:: {1}
in this area is
Garten-Arbeit für Kinder

there is a podium go to page ::.Verschiedenes.:: {2}

if this site is correct the rest of this sites files are here hold CTRL F & search shaklin this has every file known just in case stuff is missing from site : https://simfileshare.net/folder/47438/

Every gamer is unique take your time to find your own style, your own way to play,don't try to blend in with everyone, go on be different stand out don't be afraid, no matter what your age, no matter what you like you are you and that's what matters most.Go out at there have fun and play! ^-^
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#3 Old 2nd Sep 2020 at 4:07 PM
Oh! It really does look like it, yeah! Maybe the compressed archive has more objects with this theme. I'll inspect it and edit this post accordingly! Thanks A LOT!!!!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#4 Old 1st Nov 2020 at 3:52 PM
I found it! I actually was looking for the "Gay marriage" hack that this youtuber mentions on his video, and in that same website there are phone plugins for allowing child sims to go anywere, and also to come back home. He also provides the Wayback Machine link to SimLifeCycle, a very old mod. The website for the hack I was searching (that actually can only be accessed by Wayback Machine, too), is this one .
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 22nd Jan 2025 at 10:15 AM
I know this is four years old and thus a necropost (I was looking for something and ended up here) but it felt worth noting that that Simania page is not only on Wayback. The website's paths have just changed: http://www.simania.nl/simania/sdls/eh/sdls-eh.htm (For the gay marriage hack in particular there's also this page that details *how* it's done: http://www.simania.nl/simania/ssp/simshck9.htm )
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#6 Old 23rd Jan 2025 at 1:25 PM
Nah, don't worry, it's always interesting to remember the myriad of mods and downloads TS1 has!!! And what you're saying is of enough relevance. I may eventually post this download on the Awesome things thread, in order to have all of them in one place.
Test Subject
#7 Old 25th Jan 2025 at 7:04 PM
Quote: Originally posted by purplewowies
I know this is four years old and thus a necropost (I was looking for something and ended up here) but it felt worth noting that that Simania page is not only on Wayback. The website's paths have just changed: http://www.simania.nl/simania/sdls/eh/sdls-eh.htm (For the gay marriage hack in particular there's also this page that details *how* it's done: http://www.simania.nl/simania/ssp/simshck9.htm )

I did not know about this, just found it really useful and the documentation with it too - thanks!

As I'm here... I remember the lifecycle mod. Came out shortly before TS2 (or maybe shortly before TS2 was announced? It was a long time ago!). IIRC there were plans for more life stages than just teen but after TS2 appeared interest quickly evaporated. I played with a version which was not the final version, it was super buggy and nearly rendered my game unplayable, something weird happened to Daniel Pleasant where he was stuck in a state of not being a child but also not being an adult? He couldn't interact with anything in the game and the household became unplayable.
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