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#1 Old 17th Jul 2021 at 8:07 PM Last edited by murfee : 3rd Aug 2021 at 1:58 PM.
Default Issues cloning with S3OC; CC cloned in TSRW not showing up in-game [RESOLVED]
Long story, please forgive me:

I'm trying to make multiple mesh edits of a CC piano modded from the LN EP, and for the life of me this stupid thing won't show up in-game.

I tend to clone CC when I need different iterations of something with the overall same texture and mesh (like, one object's vertical and the other's horizontal), and I don't want to go through the hassle of constantly repeating the same steps just to tweak one small thing.

Usually when I clone CC, in order to make sure it doesn't conflict, I make a clone of a clone.
Basically, I'll clone the CC in TSRW by importing the file, exporting it as a sims3pack, then make a New Project, import the sims3pack, make whatever alterations/edits I need, export a brand new sims3pack, convert it package file, install it, viola. I can do this dozens of times in a row, and all the cloned objects will show up in-game just fine. Works like a charm...EXCEPT when it's EA crap (Store CC or something related to EPs/SPs).

TSRW always throws out that Reference Object Not Set To Instance (or whatever the error's called) when I try importing any EP-specific CC to clone.
So instead I cloned a decor plant, and then imported the piano CC via Project Contents, deleting all the plant's contents and importing my piano CC in. I made my edits, exported the sims3pack, converted it to a package file, installed it, and nothing's freaking showing up in-game.

I tried cloning it with S3OC and got the exact same Reference Instance error.

The thing about the clone not showing up in-game is that I already have one clone installed. But I can't do the clone of a clone trick I usually use, because TSRW won't let me import the piano as-is--I have to clone something else (like a plant), and use Project Contents to import the piano, and I think it's not CLONING the piano, just importing the one I already made, which is already installed in my game--so of course the game's not going to read my new edited version as ANOTHER new clone.

So basically, I just want to know if there's a way to either force S3OC/S3PE to make a new clone and get around the Reference Instance nonsense, or a different method to clone people use? I'm out of ideas.
#2 Old 21st Jul 2021 at 10:31 PM
Quote: Originally posted by murfee
Long story, please forgive me:

I'm trying to make multiple mesh edits of a CC piano modded from the LN EP, and for the life of me this stupid thing won't show up in-game.

I tend to clone CC when I need different iterations of something with the overall same texture and mesh (like, one object's vertical and the other's horizontal), and I don't want to go through the hassle of constantly repeating the same steps just to tweak one small thing.

Usually when I clone CC, in order to make sure it doesn't conflict, I make a clone of a clone.
Basically, I'll clone the CC in TSRW by importing the file, exporting it as a sims3pack, then make a New Project, import the sims3pack, make whatever alterations/edits I need, export a brand new sims3pack, convert it package file, install it, viola. I can do this dozens of times in a row, and all the cloned objects will show up in-game just fine. Works like a charm...EXCEPT when it's EA crap (Store CC or something related to EPs/SPs).

TSRW always throws out that Reference Object Not Set To Instance (or whatever the error's called) when I try importing any EP-specific CC to clone.
So instead I cloned a decor plant, and then imported the piano CC via Project Contents, deleting all the plant's contents and importing my piano CC in. I made my edits, exported the sims3pack, converted it to a package file, installed it, and nothing's freaking showing up in-game.

I tried cloning it with S3OC and got the exact same Reference Instance error.

The thing about the clone not showing up in-game is that I already have one clone installed. But I can't do the clone of a clone trick I usually use, because TSRW won't let me import the piano as-is--I have to clone something else (like a plant), and use Project Contents to import the piano, and I think it's not CLONING the piano, just importing the one I already made, which is already installed in my game--so of course the game's not going to read my new edited version as ANOTHER new clone.

So basically, I just want to know if there's a way to either force S3OC/S3PE to make a new clone and get around the Reference Instance nonsense, or a different method to clone people use? I'm out of ideas.

Hello @murfee
I am sorry to read about your problem with the TSR Workshop and the error about not being set to an instance.
I have done numerous conversions and sometimes I do get the this message too - thankfully it is only about 1 in 30 objects that it seems to happen to - but when trying to make sets, it can be annoying when you can't do an item.

I went on to TSR Workshop and the remedy suggested was to uninstall TSR Workshop, do a disk-clean up & defragment on your PC, restart your PC then install TSR Workshop again. Sometimes this does work but not all the time.
Unfortunately these isn't a lot of activity on the TSR website at the workshop section with regard to support or reporting problems with using the TSR Workshop.
Also check you do have the latest version of TSR Workshop (2.2.104) so the latest fixes are installed.
Good luck with your project.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#3 Old 22nd Jul 2021 at 1:17 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Ladysimplayer8
Hello @murfee
I am sorry to read about your problem with the TSR Workshop and the error about not being set to an instance.
I have done numerous conversions and sometimes I do get the this message too - thankfully it is only about 1 in 30 objects that it seems to happen to - but when trying to make sets, it can be annoying when you can't do an item.

Thanks for the condolences!

As far as I know, the Reference Instance error only happens with CC imported that uses EP or Store as its base, where you have to practically beat TSRW into submission to get it to import CC files like that.

I expect TSRW to be trash, LOL, but I'm especially curious if there's a way to avoid the error in S3OC/S3PE, and clone CC items that throw out the error.
#4 Old 22nd Jul 2021 at 10:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by murfee
Thanks for the condolences!

As far as I know, the Reference Instance error only happens with CC imported that uses EP or Store as its base, where you have to practically beat TSRW into submission to get it to import CC files like that.

I expect TSRW to be trash, LOL, but I'm especially curious if there's a way to avoid the error in S3OC/S3PE, and clone CC items that throw out the error.

Hello murfee
Am I right in thinking that you are using this method by porkypine How to Convert Sims2 objects to Sims3 from start to finish?

I tried it and got stuck about part 11 or 12 of it - so looked at a different method but still sticking with some basics like cloning from a similar functional object but doing a body swerve around S30C and S3PE (as not needed).
However it is not perfect:-
(1) Sometimes the texture does not display correctly in TSR Workshop for some items but all items do display correctly in game.
(2) The design tool does not change if players wish to do other colors/materials to the object which is not acceptable for upload to Mod the Sims; but all the Sims 2/Sims 4 textures available can be added.
(3) Some Sims 2 items are not suitable i.e. dining and living chairs - still awaiting a solution.
At the moment I am going to work on the design tool recoloring problem (fingers crossed it might fix the display issue in TSR Workshop too).

I tried converting the Chimeway & Daughters Saloon Piano from Sims2 and cloned the Late Night Piano Keyboard - looks like I have placed it through a fence and it has allowed me to do that!

The piano options are available to play alone or start a jam session and my sim Bella Goth is starting to gain a music skill.
I'd be happy to advise you on the method I use but not until a couple of the issues are sorted.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#5 Old 26th Jul 2021 at 9:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Ladysimplayer8
Am I right in thinking that you are using this method by porkypine How to Convert Sims2 objects to Sims3 from start to finish?

No, I'm not using that tutorial--I just want to be able to import CC in S3OC (or TSRW) without the Reference Object error popping up for whatever reason.

Quote: Originally posted by Ladysimplayer8
I tried it and got stuck about part 11 or 12 of it
(1) Sometimes the texture does not display correctly in TSR Workshop for some items but all items do display correctly in game.
(2) The design tool does not change if players wish to do other colors/materials to the object which is not acceptable for upload to Mod the Sims; but all the Sims 2/Sims 4 textures available can be added.

Are you converting TS2 items that have multiple Diffuse textures? This tutorial shows how to add multiple textures https://sims3tutorialhub.tumblr.com...ltiple-textures , but I've never used that method; I like making life difficult for myself, so I use this method, changing the UV Maps: https://murfeelee.tumblr.com/post/1...-advice-uv-maps

Quote: Originally posted by Ladysimplayer8
I tried converting the Chimeway & Daughters Saloon Piano from Sims2 and cloned the Late Night Piano Keyboard - looks like I have placed it through a fence and it has allowed me to do that!

The piano options are available to play alone or start a jam session and my sim Bella Goth is starting to gain a music skill.

Awesome piano conversion! TS3 definitely needs more saloon content (since EA didn't think to add one ion the Movie stuff Pack where it belonged.... )
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#6 Old 3rd Aug 2021 at 11:44 AM Last edited by murfee : 3rd Aug 2021 at 1:58 PM.
Omg, a tutorial about my exact same issue was just posted here: https://ny-sims.tumblr.com/post/658...tance-error-fix

I'm gonna try it and see what happens....

Omfg, something so small caused me such major issues for weeks on end!
#7 Old 27th Aug 2021 at 7:58 AM
Quote: Originally posted by murfee
Omg, a tutorial about my exact same issue was just posted here: https://ny-sims.tumblr.com/post/658...tance-error-fix

I'm gonna try it and see what happens....

Omfg, something so small caused me such major issues for weeks on end!

Hello @murfee
Thank you so much for posting this with the link to the tutorial.
There has always been an odd item in a set I have been converting that I wasn't able to do - sometimes resolved when a newer version of TSR Workshop was released. With this method, it can be fixed immediately.
Currently I am going through my conversion files and doing any item I couldn't convert before as unable to retrieve the mesh/textures. Sims3 Store stuff isn't mentioned in the tutorial. so just advising the Preserve ID number does not need to be changed - keep all zeros.
Thanks again.
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