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#1 Old 11th May 2022 at 9:31 PM

This user has the following games installed:

Sims 3, World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Pets, Showtime, Supernatural, Seasons, University Life, Island Paradise, Into the Future
Default Steam not accepting Store Purchases.
So I recently bought the complete Sims 3 collection for Steam. As instructed, I uninstalled and then re-installed all my downloads to the Steam launcher. Now, the lots I downloaded off the Exchange are working just fine. The Store content, however... isn't.

Whenever I try to download the stuff through the launcher, it says "Success!" whenever I do so, but it never shows up in-game. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
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#2 Old 11th May 2022 at 10:57 PM
I'm sorry I'm not actually sure of a fix for this - maybe someone else here will know

But one possibility is converting your store sims3packs to packages and installing them in Mods/Packages instead. The benefit is also that you have more control over organising them and uninstalling them doesn't need to be done through the launcher which can be a pain
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#4 Old 12th May 2022 at 12:55 AM
Quote: Originally posted by nitromon
I'm gonna go with zoe22 on this one b/c it's not just whether there is a fix for it, but the whole concept is insulting. When we buy a product, the product is exchanged for monetary value. It becomes our product. Yet what EA is doing is still having control over our product. Imagine buying a laptop and each time you log on, you are required to log into Dell and sign in to their account in order to use the laptop. Each time you upgrade anything, install a HDD, install more RAM, etc... it requires some sort of clearance from Dell. That's what EA is doing.

There are decrap store items all over the net. I'm not allow to post any links here per MTS rules, but morality is a personal conviction. No one is going to judge you if you download decrap store items you already bought. And if you are going to download ones you didn't buy, well, no one can really stop you either. That's why I say, morality is strictly a personal conviction. But yes, screw EA.

I do have some... bootleg... store items, and those work just fine, so I'll give this fix a try.
Forum Resident
#5 Old 12th May 2022 at 2:53 AM
Quote: Originally posted by zoe22
I'm sorry I'm not actually sure of a fix for this - maybe someone else here will know

But one possibility is converting your store sims3packs to packages and installing them in Mods/Packages instead. The benefit is also that you have more control over organising them and uninstalling them doesn't need to be done through the launcher which can be a pain

Yup, this is my recommendation too. I'll just go ahead and post a link to my stickied thread here.


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