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Née whiterider
retired moderator
Original Poster
#1 Old 1st Jul 2022 at 6:00 AM Last edited by Tashiketh : 1st Jul 2022 at 2:13 PM.
Default Nysha's New Creators for June
Congratulations to the following creators, who uploaded thier very first uploads to MTS last month!

AvatarCreatorFirst UploadGame
emryldHello Kitty Dress (Everyday)
dellesimsEnhanced Pleasant Vista Apartments (Apartments)
andieanjosProfitable Roommates (Overrides)
Mrs MerleLet's be Modern! A new table lamp (Lighting)
AlecCastielBakugo Loading Screen (Overrides)
ozlem_brokeDenim Mini Skirt BGC (Everyday)
florisbelinaMore Off-The-Grid Recipe Options (Overrides)
plallo2Bella Goth tribute shirt_Dandy Geek (Everyday)
HYDRO1stHi-tech «small'n'modern» house 1BR 1bath (Residential)
SeaCarrotSims Longer Lifespans! 3 Options (Overrides)
berryblondeFaster Gardening Mod - 3 Flavors (Overrides)
funtimefredballsCAS ~Ray (Other)
Dandelion SproutYomoshoto Stadium for American football (Version for vanilla TS3 available; no CC) (Community)
LumpinouFirst Impressions (Script & Core Mods)
VecD0eAnimal Legs Slider and Foot Angle Slider (Miscellaneous)
MarkUnreadAlterhuman and Voidpunk Flag Pack (Decorative)
nervelliNo More Buy Bee Box Whim (Miscellaneous)
FoxFollyBlue Chow Skin Options for Werewolves | 3 Swatches (Non-default) (Skintones)
DreamflyStop Swinging Before You Puke (Miscellaneous)
koraohIncreases Meteorite Fall Chance (Overrides)
tjayc17Gardening Is Fun! (Tuning Mod) (Overrides)
g0kurSims 3 Mod Organizer (Programs and Utilities)
Peanutty1 Day = 1 Year Lifespan (Global Mods)
miri5583Recyclable Bottlemessage (Overrides)
fluoqueenVeronaville Public Pool - No CC (Community)
DemeterioNew custom spell : Ghostify and Vade Retro Phantasma (Miscellaneous)
MNLVLZTop Surgery Scars by MNVLZ (Skintones)
Test Subject
#2 Old 5th Jul 2022 at 7:20 AM
Oh coool I love it thanks
Test Subject
#3 Old 31st Jul 2022 at 11:08 PM
I will be back for the Veronaville Public Pool! ????


PLEASE let me have my TS2 version of Superstar!!!
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