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#1 Old 19th Jul 2022 at 5:39 PM
Default Cloning Maxis object for the Mac
Bear with me, I don’t usually do much but fast recolors. Mac Super Collection is missing a lot of things I love. I successfully cloned all the porch column fences, and they work in the Mac game. Now I am trying to clone the Ektorp sofa. (Ideally, I’d clone sofa, loveseat, and chair, and have them properly repositoried/slaved, but that is a future goal.)

I can’t get the cloned Ektorp sofa to show up in my Mac game. I can open the package with SimPE, and it looks to me like it has all the proper files. Any idea what I am doing wrong? I am using the clone process, but must be screwing up. Do I have to build all of the textures before I commit?
Mad Poster
#2 Old 19th Jul 2022 at 7:41 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 19th Jul 2022 at 11:00 PM.
Have you given the new sofa new GUIDs in the OBJDs? If not, they'll override the ingame object you cloned.
Some info, since the SimPE site is down: https://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=638392

You'll have to change the main GUID for each OBJD, in the field directly above where it mentions updating the MMAT. Tick "Update MMAT" if there's just one OBJD. Don't do anything to the GUIDs below this, they're for other things.

If there are more than one OBJD, tick "update MMAT" only for the main OBJD, which is the one where the MMAT matches the original GUID number before you change them (check this first - if you forget, it's usually the one with categories ticked, with pricing, and without anything added to the OBJD name, such as "- 0" ).
Original Poster
#3 Old 19th Jul 2022 at 8:15 PM
Thank you. I will check this, but I do not see how any override could be happening, as the Ektorp sofa does not exist in the Mac version of the game. Unless SimPE gave it the GUID of something in the Mac version, of course.
Mad Poster
#4 Old 19th Jul 2022 at 8:38 PM
SimPE doesn't automatically give an object a new GUID. It uses the original GUID of the object you cloned until you make a new one for it.

Haven't dabbled much in fences and such, but I think some of the build elements don't use GUIDs, only instances (or some such). Buy objects need them, though.
Original Poster
#5 Old 19th Jul 2022 at 9:46 PM
Changing the GUID (and fallback GUID) did not change anything, still not showing up in catalog. Anywhere, and yes, I set the proper living room, seating, sofa bit. Wondering why my Mac clones of the Maxis fence with columns all work and I did no GUID changing on them. What is different about cloning a sofa?
Original Poster
#6 Old 19th Jul 2022 at 10:18 PM
I am baffled. Cloning things is dead simple, so why can’t I do this?
Mad Poster
#7 Old 19th Jul 2022 at 10:41 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 19th Jul 2022 at 11:01 PM.
You're not supposed to change the "orig.guid" or fallback GUID or any of the four boxes down there, only the first box at the top. (See the added picture, with an example of a multi-OBJD object).

Have you made buy objects before? If not, are you using a tutorial? It's not quite the same as making fences, etc., so it can be an idea to follow a guide.

If you're still having issues, can you upload the file so I can take a look?
Me? Sarcastic? Never.
staff: administrator
#8 Old 20th Jul 2022 at 1:28 AM
If you are cloning something from an all EP game to play with on Mac, you definitely don't have to change any GUIDs. Because these objects do not exist in the Mac version. I'd also suggest you may want to untick all but Make standalone in object workshop. By doing this, the internal name will remain the same, keep all original GUIDs, and then any cc recolors will work.

I think the issue here is some values in the OBJD. You'll want to edit the values in the EP Flag 1 and EP Flag 2 to match your EPs. Tutorial You may or may not need to edit BHAVs and TTAs/TTAB. Since you have Pets, you could quite possibly not need to. I'd try by just changing EP Flags first.

Also, install all the CEP extras in the all EPs setup, make sure they are included in the file table in simpe, and I'm pretty sure it will clone with added subsets/repository that the CEP extra's provide.

Fences don't have flags that require specific EPs. As for the items being re
Original Poster
#9 Old 20th Jul 2022 at 4:59 PM
EP flags FTW!!! Thank you, HugeLunatic! Obviously some play testing is needed, but the sofa now shows in catalog, can be placed, and has the recolors I made for the Maxis one available. Now on to bigger and better things: the loveseat and chair. Since all I needed to alter was the EP flags, the repository stuff should all still work, yes? I will find out soon enough.

Can anybody suggest a good tutorial on OBJD files, and repository, master/slave stuff? I have looked through the list and not found what I needed. Willcontinure looking. I probably am not recognizing what I need. lol.
Mad Poster
#10 Old 20th Jul 2022 at 5:54 PM
HL's tutorial on repositoring: https://hugelunatic.com/repository-technique/
IgnorantBliss' tutorial: https://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=229452
(you can use either one - IB's shows how to repo to a maxis object. Repoing to a CC master object is basically the same process, but you don't need to clone the CC object like you'd do with a maxis item, just copy the info as instructed from the CC item you want to be the master).
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