Game not launching after i made my own object mod?
I was trying to learn some basic modding stuff and I followed this object tutorial =>
After I did everything according to the tutorial (no errors or warning on Visual Studio)(And i just select a different object,not teddybear but easel, rest is the same), I added my package to the mod folder as usual. When I open the game, it starts normally, but it turns itself off before I get to the maxis logo without any error. I tried to launch it without my test mod, then all mods, no difference. In the generated file in the documents, it says:
[Instruction data]
0058d916 => DasmX86Dll.dll not found.
This is the code I wrote by following tutorial:
using Sims3.Gameplay.Interactions;
using Sims3.Gameplay.Objects.HobbiesSkills;
using Sims3.Gameplay.Actors;
using Sims3.Gameplay.Autonomy;
using Sims3.SimIFace;
using Sims3.UI;
using static Sims3.Gameplay.Objects.HobbiesSkills.FamilyEasel.Familyphoto;
namespace Sims3.Gameplay.Objects.HobbiesSkills.FamilyEasel
public class Familyphoto : Easel
public sealed class Talktome : ImmediateInteraction<Sim, Familyphoto>
// Fields
public static readonly InteractionDefinition Singleton = new Definition();
// Methods
protected override bool Run()
base.Actor.ShowTNSIfSelectable("Hello!", StyledNotification.NotificationStyle.kSimTalking);
return true;
// Nested Types
private sealed class Definition : ImmediateInteractionDefinition<Sim, Familyphoto, Familyphoto.Talktome>
// Methods
protected override string GetInteractionName(Sim a, Familyphoto target, InteractionObjectPair interaction)
{ return "Talk To Me";
protected override bool Test(Sim a, Familyphoto target, bool isAutonomous, ref GreyedOutTooltipCallback greyedOutTooltipCallback)
{ return !isAutonomous;
public override void OnStartup()