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#1 Old 29th Oct 2023 at 8:01 PM
Default Different road textures for sub-neighbourhoods?
Is it possible to have different road textures for different neighbourhoods? I'm creating a new vacation sub-neighbourhood that's a bit more rural and mountain themed. Is it possible to have different road textures than my main neighbourhood? The main neighbourhood this sub one will be attached to is more of a sub-urbs map, with the classic US style yellow road lines. I want to have sidewalk-less rural looking roads for my mountain resort town, but I'm afraid it will replace the roads in my main neighbourhood. Any help much appreciated.
Mad Poster
#2 Old 29th Oct 2023 at 8:23 PM
If you use different terrains for the different neighborhoods, I think you can have different road textures - but it depends how the texture pack is put together (if it just replaces roads for one terrain type or for multiple).

If you want to use the same type of terrain, then no.
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#3 Old 29th Oct 2023 at 8:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
If you use different terrains for the different neighborhoods, I think you can have different road textures - but it depends how the texture pack is put together (if it just replaces roads for one terrain type or for multiple).

If you want to use the same type of terrain, then no.

Dang thats a drag. The main neighbourhood is lush and so is the BV neighbourhood so I'm guessing I can't have differing roads then... I'm hoping theres another solution. Thanks for your response
Forum Resident
#4 Old 29th Oct 2023 at 10:07 PM
I use a default replacement for the dirt terrain that uses the lush texture but with dirt roads: https://modthesims.info/d/213917/te...eplacement.html

I use this for rural areas in my medieval fantasy neighborhood, while I use cobblestone road replacements (on the lush terrain) for towns. I have to remember to select dirt when creating the new rural sub-hood, but this way I can have different roads for places when I want them both lush.
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#5 Old 29th Oct 2023 at 10:32 PM
Quote: Originally posted by stitching
I use a default replacement for the dirt terrain that uses the lush texture but with dirt roads: https://modthesims.info/d/213917/te...eplacement.html

I use this for rural areas in my medieval fantasy neighborhood, while I use cobblestone road replacements (on the lush terrain) for towns. I have to remember to select dirt when creating the new rural sub-hood, but this way I can have different roads for places when I want them both lush.

That looks nice, thanks for the rec. I might end up using it, there might be another out there that's almost the same for the dirt texture, but features paved roads instead of non-paved trails
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