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#1 Old 23rd Jan 2024 at 5:52 AM
Default TS4 + Expacs + SP...worth it?
I've only ever played TS2 , my favorite game of all time. Lately i've been a little curious about TS4 , do you think a TS2 fanatic would enjoy TS4 if I were to buy all the expansions and stuff packs for it? Would it feel more complete?
Mad Poster
#2 Old 23rd Jan 2024 at 6:35 AM
You are on the wrong site to ask this IMO. I think 4 is free now? Get and see if you like then decide if you want to add to it or not? It does not have the depth of 2 or 3 in the opinion of most of us here. 3 is my game. I have some 4 but 3 is my fave. I have not opened 4 in months. I have spent all evening in CAW in 3 before coming here.

I also played 1 and 2 so know all versions.
Test Subject
#3 Old 23rd Jan 2024 at 12:23 PM
TS4 is a strong departure from TS2 (or TS3 for that matter). Most newbees don't learn that until it's too late (after purchasing several EPs, etc.) For a player like me to enjoy 4, I had to mod the hell out of it, and now, after almost obtaining all the EPs and a few stuff packs, I still don't get enough enjoyment out of it. Sometimes I wish I could go back to TS3, but I gave it away a long time ago after purchasing 4. This is my opinion - and ONLY my opinion - you'll find better enjoyment out of TS2, even without mods, since you already know it and enjoy it. As daisylee said, get the base game of 4 and do a comparison. Don't worry, I guarantee you'll know which way to go after that!
Test Subject
#4 Old 23rd Jan 2024 at 1:51 PM
imo TS4 is only fun at the very beginning because it's something new and exciting. After some time you start to notice how lackluster it really is.

And the simulation lag is just awful. For the last 2 weeks I've played only TS1 and yesterday I decided to give TS4 another chance (after a loooong break) and the amount of lagging and dropping actions in my sim's queue made me quit after half an hour. In TS1 when I tell my sim to do something, they do it 99% of the time. In TS4 it was closer to 70%...
Mad Poster
#5 Old 23rd Jan 2024 at 2:10 PM Last edited by SneakyWingPhoenix : 23rd Jan 2024 at 2:24 PM.
You can always play the base game (isn’t it free) before purchasing expansions. Overall, TS4 receives bad overall reception online, but it be up to you to decide. We can’t say if you will like it or not, because there are instances of TS2 who enjoy it.

If you want attention to detail, that I can already confirm you won’t get it much as you would from TS4 (being objective here, as there is a versus video coveribg it).

My main pet peeves as to why I don’t like from TS2 lens, is due how clunky it feels (but maybe my spcs were lame), lack of shops in the base game (clubs are somewhat of a bore, so I hardly seen any point to leave the house in BG), confined lot numbers, and no interesting aspiration and career rewards in comparison. I personally wouldn’t recommend to a TS4 player who wants realism (pizza being delivered on foot and babies are equivalent of Apartment’s Life dog pen, but I guess thats already done with the introducted of prelifestage Infants). The game lacks soul for me as many times I tried to give it chances.

Also, I heard the restaurant system being very buggy (whilst its expanded than TS2 ones) where even diehards wouldnt recommend it, and For Rent has quite infuriating apartment visitong neighbor system (loading screens on the same lot). So avoid the formal and wedding stories.

If you want a modern and intuitive CAS and Build Mode to get the game for, then I can recommend it (preferably, when DLC is on sale as they hardly equate to their price tag anyways)

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
Mad Poster
#6 Old 23rd Jan 2024 at 2:29 PM
I have gotten what I have gotten pretty much on sale to try things. There are some good things about 4 but I play a bit and then get bored with it. I am someome who having had CASt and an open world and big worlds and lots where I can build on about any slope and so on............ then when in 4 am muttering as I cannot do those things. And the non teen teens drive me totally batty! Grrrrr.

The new EP has 9 lots I think it is. I just did a new excel for a world I am working on in 3 in CAW, and it has..................... 69. And am working on larger ones also. SO a 9 lot new world just does not cut it for me.

I play legacy style, and after 6 genertions in 4 quit playing them. My 3 family is 35 genertions I think it is, and would probably be at least double that if I did not spend most of my time in CAW. And UM, we cannot create worlds in 4 like we can in 2 and 3.
Original Poster
#7 Old 23rd Jan 2024 at 4:11 PM
Quote: Originally posted by daisylee
You are on the wrong site to ask this IMO. I think 4 is free now? Get and see if you like then decide if you want to add to it or not? It does not have the depth of 2 or 3 in the opinion of most of us here. 3 is my game. I have some 4 but 3 is my fave. I have not opened 4 in months. I have spent all evening in CAW in 3 before coming here.

I also played 1 and 2 so know all versions.

Haha i kinda like the MTS forum because everyone is always a bit grouchy, but i know everyone is super passionate about the sims...which is why i find the advice here super useful. Ty for letting me know it is free now, i am gonna give it a try first.
Mad Poster
#8 Old 23rd Jan 2024 at 4:20 PM
Quote: Originally posted by labellavienna
Haha i kinda like the MTS forum because everyone is always a bit grouchy, but i know everyone is super passionate about the sims...which is why i find the advice here super useful. Ty for letting me know it is free now, i am gonna give it a try first.

Yes, try and then decide if you want to continue and add to it or not?
I want to go out
retired moderator
#9 Old 23rd Jan 2024 at 5:12 PM
Quote: Originally posted by labellavienna
Haha i kinda like the MTS forum because everyone is always a bit grouchy,

That's because my hormones left me, my back is hurting and the gin is all gone.

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
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Mad Poster
#10 Old 23rd Jan 2024 at 7:22 PM
Because modthesimmers are aggresively trying to fix their gane why locating that one CC among thousands/millions that is faulty

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
#11 Old 23rd Jan 2024 at 9:55 PM
Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
Because modthesimmers are aggresively trying to fix their gane why locating that one CC among thousands/millions that is faulty

I think this is universal in Sims Land and not just a TS4 thing. And no, I'm not defending TS4 and all of its broken-ness, but it is a problem.

I ended up watching some TS3-related YT channel a couple of weeks ago. It was a clickbait video that had some obnoxious title that involved mention of how the person uses something like 200 mods in their game. I'm not talking about cc here, just mods.

Long story short, the person that was attempting to play their legacy challenge kept having to deal with game crashes which she then proceeded to keep complaining about. She wasn't getting the dreaded Error 12 or something like that. She had too many script mods that were conflicting with each other and the she had to keep starting her game. I know what the problem was because said silly person posted the list of mods she was using. The things people will do to get people to click on a video. After the third round of complaining, I stopped watching because I got tired of listening to it.

As for whether somebody spends over $1,000.00 or TS4 or not, I don't care as I'm not the one paying the bill. The problems start when I'm expected to act like a bauble head or yes-men to Maxis and or EA. Neither are my job. That's what Yibs are for...
Mad Poster
#12 Old 24th Jan 2024 at 9:13 AM
I experience error 14 or whatever (naybe it was 16), posted the help section, remedied then it to reappear after a few saves. Thought I screw up, but appearantly the multiple saves just accumalted my hard drive space and it was a derp moment I haven’t checked and deleted earlier

I had a case of bad mods, so I tend to only download and use whatever I actually need in the game. Bunch of furniture and hair I could care less to have.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
#13 Old 24th Jan 2024 at 9:14 PM
Quote: Originally posted by labellavienna
if I were to buy all the expansions and stuff packs for it? Would it feel more complete?

If you have 1000 dollars just laying around lmao

what does his name even mean?
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 24th Jan 2024 at 11:56 PM
This is why I advise everybody to buy TS4 DLCs when they are on a discount. Discover University was on a discount recently and it was a much cheaper price. I think it was 20 dollars lower.

Some DLCs are also not worth buying. For example, Strangervile and Island Living because they have barely updated two or three worlds to be swimmer-friendly and because there are no houseboats and other vehicles that are on water. For Rent is really broken and so are My Wedding Stories and Dine Out, but there are mod fixes for Dine Out.

The whole collection is not worth 1000 dollars because of all the bugs, broken game mechanics and shallow features. It should also be mentioned that they are piecemealing content. What used to be TS3 Generations is now three to four different DLCs (My Wedding Stories, Parenthood, Growing Together and maybe Nifty Knitting).
Forum Resident
#15 Old 25th Jan 2024 at 3:17 AM
Quote: Originally posted by labellavienna
Haha i kinda like the MTS forum because everyone is always a bit grouchy.....

*Joke first*

Who? What? Grouchy? Where? And while you're at it get off my lawn!!

Seriously, I got tired of constant lag, route failure (Sims 4 Sims go up stairs in a nice orderly fashion), error fails and CTD on Sims 3. Still love it but may restart at some point and load about 20% of the CC I currently used and see if it works better.

I only bought Sims 4 packs on special and have a select few to give me a good social but not family style gameplay. Get Together, Shi**Y Living, Spa Day, Dream Decorator, Dine Out, Island Living, Seasons and Snowy Escape.

I do recommend you get Island Living and Snowy Escape as they look good when navigating them. I believe some others also have nice scenery. Dine Out works okay with mods and the food and drink CC in the community is fabulous. I try to avoid the Stuff Packs and Kits as they are crazy expensive for a few items.

Try out some free Creator made "Stuff" packs like those from littledica here on MTS.

♥ Receptacle Refugee ♥
Field Researcher
#16 Old 25th Jan 2024 at 12:16 PM
When it comes right down to it, it really depends on how you like to play with your sims.

For me, ts4 is my sandbox (and I love the control I have and can delete unwanted sims easily) and I haven't gone back to my first love (ts2) since giving ts4 a try in 2019. I miss some things about ts2 (which I do have installed) but I really love some of the ts4 features (and the few mods I use). I'm not stupid and I know it is lacking in some/many ways but honestly, EAxis has never gone that step (or mile) further that they should have (even with ts2 & ts3). I don't have simulation lag and for how I play, many of the bugs don't affect me.

I own all of ts3 also but I think I spent more time playing in CAW before returning to ts2 (only own it all because I kept trying to give it a chance).

Unlike many people, I don't see ts5 being better (bugs/content), if it is ever released.
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