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#1 Old 26th Jan 2024 at 2:55 AM
Default Bridge Question
I have put footbridges over water on lots and the Sims will not use them. I had to make land connections on a few lots or the Sims would swim. Is there any way to make them actually use them? Also, I had in past a pedestrian bridge from I think it was Leroy at Custom Sims. Has anyone used that and it actually works, and if so could you please let me know so we can exchange info. so you can send to me if you have it? Or if you know where I can find it?

And as long as I am here, is there a way to force Sims to get to some place going through lots? Making it unroutable in CAW outside of the lots? Would they go through the lots or just get stuck? Has anyone tested that? I tried something once to test some things and the Sims just went all over the place even climbing major land walls to get somewhere other than taking a direct path.
Forum Resident
#2 Old 26th Jan 2024 at 4:59 AM
CAW bridges or bridges made in Build Mode with stairs and foundations?
The former need to be connected to roads otherwise they aren't functional for routing.
For the latter- do you have NRaas GoHere in play? The routing being optimised is the only thing I can think of that might help sims consider a change in levels (such as stairs / platforms that are part of bridges) as a direct path, but I don't know for sure.

As for the second part, this is the first time I've actually thought about how sims don't route across lots. I don't think I've ever seen them do that, sounds like a hard limitation.
You could use subways (or a rabbithole rug for the subway) to simulate a tunnel between lots, as they will at least consider that when routing and it can drop them within a lot.
Mad Poster
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#3 Old 26th Jan 2024 at 8:23 AM Last edited by daisylee : 26th Jan 2024 at 10:19 AM.
Here are 2 of several lots I did where I hoped Sims would cross bridges to access the other side, and they would not. I had to add a small land path on the fairy lot and I added a land section with a sidewalk and went ahead and added more for the resort. Before I did those changes the Sims would swim to the other sides rather than using the bridges. It is a shame that when we do the bridges they will not cross them?

I should play and test in CAW about forcing them to use lots but as I have IP I probaby cannot as they will boat to places if they can? But that is low priority now. And as said that might be a hard edit in the game?

What I would really like to do also is be able to put pedestrian bridges between islands. I faked one a bit in one world, but wish we could do actual ones?

Sigh! All that work to do and my Sims snub those bridges.

Top Secret Researcher
#4 Old 26th Jan 2024 at 9:03 AM
Quote: Originally posted by daisylee
I have put footbridges over water on lots and the Sims will not use them. I had to make land connections on a few lots or the Sims would swim. Is there any way to make them actually use them?

They won't, unless you block of all other pathing routes with fences or objects, including the lot edges, which will lead to routing issues and stuck sims. Sims don't use stairs if they can avoid them. At all costs. Sadly those lot-based bridges are decorative but nothing more.

Quote: Originally posted by daisylee
And as long as I am here, is there a way to force Sims to get to some place going through lots? Making it unroutable in CAW outside of the lots? Would they go through the lots or just get stuck? Has anyone tested that? I tried something once to test some things and the Sims just went all over the place even climbing major land walls to get somewhere other than taking a direct path.

Same. Using non-routable paint outside of lots prevents sims from entering or leaving the lot at that spot, but it doesn't prevent sims from "walking the line", i.e. along the edge of the lot. And potentially get stuck if the path is blocked on lot somewhere.

Lot routing has a higher priority than world (CAW) routing, so whatever you do outside the lot won't affect routing on the lot. I usually use the fake bridge retaining walls from Riverview (or other retaining walls) to simulate pedestrian bridges, but of course they don't always fit.

I wouldn't know of any working pedestrian bridge, been looking for those myself, so if you find one, please share They all are decorative only.
Forum Resident
#5 Old 26th Jan 2024 at 9:12 AM
There are a couple of EA lots with bridges, though I haven't paid close attention to whether they get much use. I imagine it's something to do with the stairs- if their destination is on the same level that they are, I can't see the routing wanting to pick a path that involves stairs. The patch that added swimming really complicates it though, because swimming to a location is far sillier

Boat routing can be disabled with GoHere, but I figure they may just opt to swim again.
Beautiful lots, though.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#6 Old 26th Jan 2024 at 10:28 AM
Thank you for all the replies. I was guessing I was out of luck but hoped someone might know of some trick I had never learned. I had that "pedestrian bridge" way back when and did not keep it and I should have. I do not think I ever tested it as it was not the look I was wanting. Maybe I will post in the WCIF and see if anyone has it? I think it was done by Leroy? I have his sailboat I use.

I do not want routing issues so will let the game do its thing even though not what I wish I could do for some things. And yes, since Sims can boat and swim it makes it harder to control them. In another world there are roads to get to everywhere other than one small island. And Sims take the water taxis. With the Go Here it worked at times and at others, they boated no matter what.

I used the retaining walls for the one fake connecting footpath I did and seems like that is the way we have to go to do that.
Test Subject
#7 Old 13th Feb 2024 at 4:55 AM Last edited by MarshaZimmer : 5th Mar 2024 at 6:05 AM.
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