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#1 Old 3rd Mar 2024 at 6:58 PM
how to change a (mod) personality trait to become reward trait?
is this complicated?

i downloaded sims 4 studio, ask google gemini, it replied that required 2 more tools to do what i what. seems so complicated just to change the trait type.

i running a mod, which add few personality traits.
but i noticed new npc spawned can use these traits, and i want to avoid this.

i awared if the trait type is reward, new npc won't use them.

the modder dunno how to do the changes.

below is what gemini told me:
While Sims 4 Studio (S4S) offers extensive modding capabilities, it isn't designed to directly change a personality trait to a reward trait. Converting between these trait types requires editing the game's code, which falls outside S4S's functionalities.
Use a mod creation tool: Exploring tools like Sims 4 Studio PE (S4PE) and Zerbu's Mod Constructor alongside S4S can facilitate more intricate modding, including trait modifications.

do this really need that 3 tools to achieve it?
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#2 Old 4th Mar 2024 at 3:18 AM
Nope. AI knows nothing about Sims modding, so don't use it going forward to avoid headaches, lol. Sims4Studio is the correct tool for this, while MC in fact cannot change an existing personality trait to a reward trait, it can only make new stuff. S4pe is extremely outdated and not exactly user friendly, so not recommended.

Even easier though, to use with S4S, if you drop the trait files (or entire package) into Lot51's TDESC, you can easily change the trait's type from Personality to a Gameplay trait, which is what reward traits are. After you are done, you'll need to make a SimReward file (this is what actually shows up in the shop) and an injection snippet from either Lot51's Core Library or XML Injector that says to inject it into the reward store so you don't override it.
These are the pages for the SimReward: https://tdesc.lot51.cc/Rewards/Desc...SimReward.tdesc
And for Core Library (you need the "satisfaction_store" option at the bottom only, reference your SimReward): https://tdesc.lot51.cc/Contrib/TuningInjector.tdesc
Core Library's download, if you are unfamiliar (similar to XML Injector): https://lot51.cc/core
And for a general tutorial on using the TDESC, you can check out Waffle's video (comes written as well): https://www.patreon.com/posts/96491336

Some further notes:
- In case I didn't explain it well you'll still need S4S, but only to Batch Import your edited files back in after downloading them. Or select the correct file then use "Import".
- You'll need to make sure you download the SimDatas for the Trait and SimReward files as well to Batch "Import" back into your package.
- For the Name and Reward Description, you can just copy the existing name and description strings from the trait, otherwise you'll have more work to do.

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#3 Old 6th Mar 2024 at 8:52 AM
Quote: Originally posted by MizoreYukii
... Lot51's TDESC...

thx for the guide.

i managed to get it worked on 3rd time.

i didn't create the simreward file, as it seems like the mod already has it.
also if i exclude that simreward file, it will not show in the reward traits ui only, but i still should be able to add the trait through cheat, right?

on 3rd time, i compare this with another mod using reward traits, and did few more changes, 1 of these is:
- the org mod has a setting in "tags", a child node of "TraitPersonality", i exclude this in the export to tuning file, and suspect this maybe what causing my prev 2 attempts not working. does this node has any significant impact toward the changes?
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