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#1 Old 11th Mar 2024 at 10:38 AM
Default Mesh in game shows strange deformations but not in blender
Hello Simmers!

I created my first CC dress and it’s not been going smoothly… this issue has me stumped.

In the sims 4 my dress shows up with a strange spike sticking right out of the front that seems to be attached to my bow/lace at the top but I cannot find it in blender and it does not show up in s4s either.

I have all textures and maps in place, the body is joined to the dress. It is weight painted and vertex painted. I removed doubles with 0.0001 distance and my UVs look normal. I have no idea where this came from since it wasn’t always there during different tests I did in game.

Maybe you know more
Forum Resident
#2 Old 15th Mar 2024 at 6:57 AM
The most likely culprit for strange geometry ingame vs in meshing software is bone weights and/or morphs, the two factors that aren't immediately in effect in Blender.
My suggestions are limited by being experienced with these topics for TS3 and not TS4, but hopefully that's a lead for what may need to be redone.

Little details that smooth can also be extremely high poly, which could be contributing to why the issue is in that area.

thecardinalsims - Cardinal has been taken by a fey mood!
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