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#1 Old 24th Aug 2024 at 3:21 AM
Default Help finding Tables for Mod Constructor 5 & Sims 4 Studio
So I've been trying to scour the net and every site that I can think of to figure this out. I am using Mod Constructor v5-beta.14 and trying to set up specific uniforms. The problem I keep encountering is that the outfit labels and value in Mod Constructor are in no way lining up to the names of outfits in Sims 4 Studio. All the items seem to have completely different names and values, and cannot be found so far. Has anyone found a master list somewhere? I keep finding Patreons that will "unlock" all CAS, but thats not what I am trying to do. I am trying to figure out the outfit value - ie. 159477 (oufit_xxxx) - in Mod Constructor so that I can find it in Sims 4 Studio to make sure its the same outfit I want to set as a work uniform.
The problem seems to be that there is little communication from the Mod Constructor dev team and no documentation to explain what the values are or how to find them in S4S.

Has anyone found a method to figure this out with an updated list?
Also has anyone else has issues with Mod Constructor not showing anything from EP01, EP02, and EP03 when trying to find items?
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