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#1 Old 11th Sep 2024 at 4:16 AM
Default Individual Download Statistics Graph Glitch
The statistics graph for individual downloads (but not the total creator statistics graphs) for the longer timescales that give a line graph is behaving strangely. As far as I've been able to tell the glitch only occurs for Downloads, not Views or Thanks, though that may just be based on what I'm able to see in my own stats. I'd posted about this jokingly in the TS2 forum a while back, thinking it might be limited to just my Hogwarts lot, but since then the issue hasn't disappeared, and does seem to occur with others of my older uploads too, always with the problem dates being towards the end of August. I'm not sure whether this is limited to just me, or if the same glitch shows up for other users as well. I think the actual daily totals are all still accurate, it's just the line tracing that's misbehaving for some reason!

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#2 Old 11th Sep 2024 at 11:25 AM
Hey Zara,

This is now fixed. Thanks for the heads up! The old server having issues meant that the job that was supposed to cleanup some stats never finished, hence why the graph appeared wonky. I've re-integrated the stats into the database so now it should appear more normal!

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