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Field Researcher
Original Poster
#1 Old 1st Dec 2024 at 4:43 PM

This user has the following games installed:

Sims 2, University, Nightlife, Open for Business, Pets, Seasons, Bon Voyage, Free Time, Apartment Life
Default userStartup.cheat not working
Hey all. I recently installed dreadpirate's lighting mod and decided to update my userStartup.cheat file while I was at it. Well somehow I managed to break it and now nothing's working except for the first two lines. Could someone take a look and tell me where I've gone wrong?
Attached files:
File Type: txt  userStartup.cheat.txt (2.6 KB, 12 downloads)
Mad Poster
#2 Old 1st Dec 2024 at 11:03 PM
First of all, make sure the file you're using doesn't have ".txt" at the end. It should end in ".cheat".

If a cheat is typed wrong, it also can cause the file to not work, often spesifically from the cheat that's typed wrong. Try changing this one:
set HighestAllowedLevel 12 --> setHighestAllowedLevel 12

If you after this get any issues with the alias cheats, change out the quote marks. If you've copied text from various places, it's possible the cheat file isn't properly registering them as quote marks. Could also be true for other punctuation-type characters.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#3 Old 2nd Dec 2024 at 3:28 AM
It was the quotation marks! What a ridiculous thing to be picky about. Everything's working good now, thanks for your help.
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