From all the staff here at MTS, we'd like to wish all of our members and guests a Happy Holidays, and a Merry Christmas!
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#26 Old 24th Dec 2024 at 12:17 AM
We were able to finish most of the community garden in this episode, .... well the outside of the garden area LUL

Find me on YouTube & Twitch @tatubber
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#27 Old 24th Dec 2024 at 3:32 AM
We are getting closer to finishing this community garden build

Find me on YouTube & Twitch @tatubber
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#28 Old 24th Dec 2024 at 3:44 PM
Finished the Community Garden, what a beautiful location added to our challenge!

Find me on YouTube & Twitch @tatubber
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#29 Old Yesterday at 3:30 AM
We visited the Collection Museum in this episode to view our progress so far and what the lot looks like.

Find me on YouTube & Twitch @tatubber
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#30 Old Yesterday at 3:33 AM
We unlocked our next 4 households after completing two community lots in the world. In this episode we create the Sim who will begin our vampire Lineage.

Find me on YouTube & Twitch @tatubber
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#31 Old Yesterday at 3:52 AM
In this episode we create the first Sim who will start our lineage of werewolves in the series.

Find me on YouTube & Twitch @tatubber
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#32 Old Yesterday at 6:52 AM
We created our 7th household, Introducing the Watson Family

Find me on YouTube & Twitch @tatubber
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#33 Old Today at 12:51 AM
Well we now have our first PlantSim in the series. Super Excited to play thins character more!

Find me on YouTube & Twitch @tatubber
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