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#1 Old 1st Jan 2025 at 9:31 PM
Default Use the nearest toilet or trash can
anyone know if there is a mod that makes a sim flush a fish (when cleanin the fish tank to restock) in the nearest toilet or trash can rather than marchin to the farthest one?
#2 Old 2nd Jan 2025 at 11:02 PM
There is a flush-fish-fix by dizzy. I found a full collection of dizzy’s hacks updated for AL here:
flush-fish-fix: Makes sims use the closest toilet for flushing dead fish. Also fixes the Maxis bug of leaving the toilet in use if the flush fish fails. Note that this fix is necessary because routing can cause disastrous code-halting errors. Therefore, the proper procedure for coding any interaction is routing *first*, then Standard Entry. This way, you don’t need to worry about objects being stuck in use because of all the badly coded routing routines.
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