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It can be a little confusing, but once you're familiar with the tools it's not very time consuming.
You'll first want to open any .geom you made with Blender in SimGeomEditor and resave them. I don't believe there is any harm to not fixing them, but they don't preview properly in
S3PE and as a result you can't modify their data with that program until they're fixed. Geom made with MTK don't need to be fixed.
MeshToolKit can be used to recreate the morphs and bone assignments using the original LOD0 as a reference, in the Auto Tools for GEOM tab.
Auto-Assign Bones: select your new mesh to modify, and the original as the reference. The default settings are usually fine, and you can overwrite your mesh when click 'Do Assignments and Save'.
Auto Create Morph Mesh: select your new mesh to morph, the original as the base, and one of the four BGEO resources from the original package. You can export those using S3PE. You'll need to create one for each morph that your hair needs, which might not be all four (a short hair, for example, will probably only have a fat morph). They will be in .geom format, but are separate files from your real mesh.
Both can be manually tweaked later, if you don't like the 'auto' results.
You then have a couple of options for putting the package back together.
A) Right-click the original LOD0 in
S3PE and Replace it with your new, fixed, copy after the bones have been assigned. Then you can use MTK's Package Tools > Add Morphs to attach the new morphs. The settings should be 'Use GEOM' and
untick 'Change morph blend TGI'. You'll probably want to clone the package when you're happy with how it looks ingame, so that it's standalone from the original CC.
B) When making a new (non-default) version of a hair, it can help to make a new package for it. There's a tool on MTS called DABOOBS (silly acronym, but it's invaluable :p) that can put all of the meshes and textures together for you- but it's only for hairs that aren't in the hat category. If you're modifying a hat hair, it's fine to continue with option A. Morphs are attached in the same way as above, but a useful thing is that you can test ingame before you make them and you won't get any odd effects like option A would have.
(The process can look quite different if you or the tutorials you've seen are using a workflow that involves TSRW.)
If you run into any errors, or it doesn't look quite right ingame, feel free to attach a screenshot. It'll probably be something I forgot to mention
thecardinalsims -
Cardinal has been taken by a fey mood!