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#1 Old Today at 9:14 PM
Default CCs work except for SKINS??
I just purchased The Sims 2 Legacy and put my Downloads folder into The Sims 2 Legacy. Everything is just how it was on my pervious Sims 2 game. All the CCs are there, everything works but when I click on a custom skin and click the check mark it wont do anything. Let's say I click a skin that is a couple pages down and hit the check mark, the check mark works as an arrow and takes me to the previous page of skins. When I select a skin it shows on the sim just fine but it's not letting me actually select it. Literally everything else in the game works just fine, no other CCs have any issues. I've already turned off "read only" on properties for this file and it hasn't made a difference. I've messed around with game quality to see if that would help and it hasn't. There's nothing indicating the game is loading the skin selection. I can still exit out of create a sim but nothing else. I have restarted the game multiple times. I have no idea what to do... please help.
Field Researcher
#2 Old Today at 9:37 PM
This is a known issue with the Legacy Collection and as far as I know there isn't a way to fix it yet.
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