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Mad Poster
#3151 Old 22nd Jan 2025 at 1:08 AM
@simsample : Suggested caption to the fourth of those pictures (the woman playing pool): "I'm gonna hit this like an express train!"


Now a few more pictures taken in and around Veronaville:

Ravi mending the sink

Andrew in his bedroom

Tommy making his parents' bed (after sleeping in it with a visiting friend)*

A little oddity about the three boys who have bought these shorts. Ravi, Andrew and Tommy are all Virgos. Ravi and Andrew have nine Neat points each. Not to be outdone, Tommy has ten. Yet all three of them have bought shorts with the pockets hanging down below the hem at the front.

Now I'm not nearly as neat and organised as these three. Andrew says I'm a lazy fat slob, and he's not far off the truth. Now I am quite happy to wear equally short shorts in summer. But if I find the pockets hanging down below the front hem of my shorts, I'll get out the needle and thread and shorten the offending pockets a little, so they’re- not visible. (I'd use the sewing machine if I wasn't so untidy that I've lost it!) So I'm more that a little surprised that these three "neatniks" are happy to wear their shorts like that. Maybe I just have to accept that these shorts are now fashionable in Veronaville.

Note: * Tommy wishes to point out that, even though they shared a bed, neither he nor his friend are gay. Not that there's anything wrong with being gay of course!! He says, "After I asked him to sleep over, my friend got into my parents 'bed, and fell asleep. Rather than wake him, I thought the best thing to do was to get into bed beside him. In the end my parents slept in the spare room, which is where I think we were meant to sleep. In the morning I made their bed very carefully. To look at it, you would never know that Jerome and I had slept in it."

I suppose that, with so many of the local boys being gay, people will just assume that, if two boys share a bed, they must be gay too.

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
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Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
#3152 Old 23rd Jan 2025 at 5:32 AM
You know, when I finish working and I have free time but not enough to play--or willingness to--, I open my screenshots folder and I go through them, just because I love looking at the recent events from my sims' lives. I haven't shared many pics since November, so I want to show some of my favorites from December and what's passed of January (though I haven't played for a while because my computer was being fixed and I've also been doing other things mostly).
#3153 Old 23rd Jan 2025 at 6:50 AM
It shows that you enjoy your game, it looks very beautiful and the photos are very nice and well taken.
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retired moderator
#3154 Old 23rd Jan 2025 at 10:58 AM
Quote: Originally posted by LauraPamplonaS
You know, when I finish working and I have free time but not enough to play--or willingness to--, I open my screenshots folder and I go through them, just because I love looking at the recent events from my sims' lives.

I like doing this too; I have sooo many screenshots! From Sims 1, 2 and 3- many, many hoods...

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
Simpeople and Me Archive- 11Dots Archive- My Sims World Archive- Adele Archive- Sims 1 Archive
Please send me a message if you would like a SimsFileShare account, I can send you an invite!
Lab Assistant
#3155 Old 12th Feb 2025 at 12:31 AM
I don't consider myself a creative person, but recently inspiration struck as I've decided to take a break from Pleasantview... I've been having so much fun remodeling Strangetown - both by editing lots and by playing the game.

Kirsten made a wish for money (she took 3000 simoleon home) while she was visiting the odd "Kine Dairy Farm"...

Indeed a suspiciously odd place...

Olive got fired before she had the chance to retire, so I've decided to move the graves to the local graveyard and make better use of the plot of land - can you guess what she's growing in there?

Meanwhile Ophelia and Johnny spend some quality time together, although she's not impressed with him stuffing his face!
Lab Assistant
#3156 Old Yesterday at 12:48 AM
I only recently learned out of all my siming that you can free the burglar after they've been placed in the car. The teen girl wasn't in a good mood already so she warned them not to come back after doing so. Soon as the burglar ran off, I quickly sent the girl back to her bedroom to sleep before the cop could notice her.. and the cop drove off without another word. And yes, I still got to keep the $500 after.

Lab Assistant
#3157 Old Yesterday at 8:32 AM
So I've finally gotten around to playing with poseboxes...

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