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Better Greet

by simbouquet Posted 25th Jun 2023 at 7:26 AM - Updated 25th Jan 2025 at 2:55 PM by simbouquet
38 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 24 Feedback Posts, 13 Thanks Posts
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Test Subject
#26 Old 6th Mar 2024 at 10:17 PM
Absolutely great mod! I don't know how I could play the game without it! Do you think of adding Arsil's Fist Bump interaction in the gesture section as an addon?
Test Subject
#27 Old 10th Apr 2024 at 4:22 PM
Default Polish translation
Hi, I translated your mod into Polish. Could you add a Polish translation on modthesims
Lab Assistant
#28 Old 4th Jul 2024 at 6:19 PM
Hi! I made a French translation!
Attached files:
File Type: zip (767 Bytes, 4 downloads)
Test Subject
#29 Old 9th Jul 2024 at 8:13 PM
Default Italian Translation
Here's the Italian translation, thank u so much for this mod!
Attached files:
File Type: rar  simbouquet_BetterGreet.rar (73.0 KB, 3 downloads)
Test Subject
#30 Old 13th Jul 2024 at 8:08 AM
Default Traditional Chinese Translation
Thank you, and here's Chinese translation (CHT)~~~
Test Subject
#31 Old 16th Jul 2024 at 8:45 PM
Default Swedish strings
Great mod! I translated it to Swedish for you.
Attached files:
File Type: rar  SWE_better_greet.rar (673 Bytes, 3 downloads)
Test Subject
#32 Old 24th Jul 2024 at 1:13 AM
Thank you for making and sharing this with us!! It's greatly appreciated ^^
Test Subject
#33 Old 2nd Dec 2024 at 10:12 PM
Default Spanish translations
Hi! 💙 I’ve made some corrections to the Spanish translations, especially the standard version. I hope you can add them to the mod soon.
Thank you so much for everything you do.
Have a great day!
Attached files:
File Type: rar  PATRYCARRO_BetterGreet_SPA.rar (74.3 KB, 2 downloads)
Field Researcher
#34 Old 11th Dec 2024 at 10:56 AM
this is fantastic
Test Subject
Original Poster
#35 Old 25th Jan 2025 at 2:45 PM
Quote: Originally posted by kaellstroem
Great mod! I translated it to Swedish for you.

Thank you! I've included it in the new update.

Quote: Originally posted by SrtaPatry
Hi! 💙 I’ve made some corrections to the Spanish translations, especially the standard version. I hope you can add them to the mod soon.
Thank you so much for everything you do.
Have a great day!

Gracias <3 Sin duda pega más en la versión es-ES el "¿Qué tal?", pero no he podido deshacerme del "Besito y besito", que ese es el nombre de la misma interacción en Los Sims 2... 🥺 Al final he hecho ese cambio en la versión es-MX.
Test Subject
#36 Old 25th Jan 2025 at 10:12 PM
Hi. Thank you for the update.
For some reason I can't use monopatcher. My game crashed during the loading with MonoPatcher in it. From one point, my game has been acting like this with certain new mods. I don't if it is because of dxvk but especially the mods that has files that are needed to be in bin folder are acting like that.
When I was trying to put this new version I deleted the older version.. Could you please reupload the version before this new update so I can use that one without MonoPatcher?

Thank you!
Test Subject
Original Poster
#37 Old Yesterday at 3:58 PM
Quote: Originally posted by kkaizer
Hi. Thank you for the update.
For some reason I can't use monopatcher. My game crashed during the loading with MonoPatcher in it. From one point, my game has been acting like this with certain new mods. I don't if it is because of dxvk but especially the mods that has files that are needed to be in bin folder are acting like that.
When I was trying to put this new version I deleted the older version.. Could you please reupload the version before this new update so I can use that one without MonoPatcher?

Thank you!

Hey, I've reuploaded the previous update here:

I do play with the latest versions of DXVK and Mono Patcher together and haven't had any issues, though I have seen reports of people not being able to play with the ASI files in Game/Bin. Tbh I'd suggest using just the Mono Patcher package on its own if you haven't tried that yet, since that seems to be enough for all of my mods and most other mods that depend on it out there.
Test Subject
#38 Old Yesterday at 7:35 PM
Hmmm.. Asi files...My game works with smooth patch asi file in the bin folder.. but guess not with this mono patcher one. There has been some other mods acting like this too... Maybe because of boringbones mods..? Do you use any of his mods?

You mean just put monopatcher.package in the mods folder but no monopatcher.asi and .dll file in the bin folder?
Test Subject
Original Poster
#39 Old Yesterday at 11:35 PM
Quote: Originally posted by kkaizer
Hmmm.. Asi files...My game works with smooth patch asi file in the bin folder.. but guess not with this mono patcher one. There has been some other mods acting like this too... Maybe because of boringbones mods..? Do you use any of his mods?

You mean just put monopatcher.package in the mods folder but no monopatcher.asi and .dll file in the bin folder?

I do not, but from what I know none of his mods require Mono Patcher to work anyways, so I doubt they're interfering at all.

Yeah I'd say try just having the Mono Patcher package without the Mono Patcher ASI, if the issue is with the ASI file then it shouldn't crash anymore and pretty much any mod made for Mono Patcher will still work.
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