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Old World Windows Recoloured

by Michelle Posted 16th Nov 2024 at 11:22 PM
1 Comments / Replies (Who?)
Original Poster
#2 Old 29th Jan 2025 at 6:49 AM
@Cloud_Strife - No these do not have clear glass, please read on.

Not everything in game is recolourable, it is not the fault of the creators, it is the original designer of the game. Slig went to a lot of trouble and time to make default replacements, even fixing windows and doors broken by later EP's.

I went through the windows and found the windows shown below are the only ones in game with glass that is recolourable, other windows have to have a default replacement glass or frame and glass. I also found there is only a few doors with recolourable glass, once again others have to have default replacements.

Maybe if you do make a request, instead of "insisting" it have clear glass, you ask politely if they can possible include clear glass, please.

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