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#1 Old 9th Jan 2025 at 8:52 PM
Default Bin codes for Occult Eyes
Hello everyone! I wanted to know if the occults in sims 2 have bin codes for their eyes that I could use in SimPe.
I would like to attempt to give a sim red/yellow eyes from the game and see if I can give them those eyes as genetics, but I can't find their bins anywhere. Do they work as an overlay, rather than as "real" eyes?

The only good moth is a dead moth ?
Mad Poster
#2 Old 9th Jan 2025 at 9:07 PM
Pretty sure all occult eyes except alien are overlays, painted on the skins. The sims keep their original eyes as their genetics (they would have to, since several of the occult states are curable).

The easiest would be to extract the textures and make them into regular eyes (you can use Bodyshop and SimPE for this). It's likely been done already.
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