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#1 Old 12th Jan 2025 at 9:26 AM

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Default would like to know what this means for hair recolors
Hello simmers, sorry for opening another thread, since I discovered that spreadsheet with so many wonderful hair styles for sims, I have downloaded like 500 mg… (I know, I'm crazy), well it's that before I didn't see the links in my browser, and it turns out that there are links for each hairstyle. My question is… There are many styles and I don't know what they mean, except for the ones that say "in natural colors and non-natural colors", there are options like "afterglow", io, family, cloud... (I have many of these downloaded, and I don't know if you have to choose only one family… if so, please tell me and I can delete a lot from my downloads folder), there is also pooket, io.. Etc.. Is there any site where they explain what this is? Sorry for my ignorance, I didn't find anything in Spanish… but send me pages in English, I will translate them, thank you very much for your patience
Mad Poster
#2 Old 12th Jan 2025 at 11:14 AM
Family = means the hair is familied together. If you pick a hair in CAS or in a mirror, and then switch the hair color, the hair style stays the same but just switches color (one of each dolor + a grey can be familied together). If they're NOT familied and you switch the color, the hairstyle switches to something different.

io, pooklet, remi, cloud (?), etc. = hair textures and hair colors in "known" styles. Remi is for instance more maxis-match in texture and colors, while Pooklet and io is more realistic and has more colors available. Some creators add swatches, you can look at the colors there. For the textures/colors, you may just need to look at them either ingame or in Bodyshop to see which ones you like, and remove the rest (I recommend to remove hairs via the Downloads folder, especially if you don't want to remove everything from a hair family/texture, as some hairs have linked textures, especially elder textures. Don't delete elder hairs in Bodyshop, or you'll run in to the same issue).

Looking at the hairs in Bodyshop can be useful, and if you make sure all the hairs have proper tooltips, it's much easier to find and remove items you don't want (Cat's tooltip tool is very handy. Make sure to tick "change tooltip" to fix items that already have kinda useless ones - https://modthesims.info/t/321239 )

You don't need all the colors of a hair - but if they are familied and linked to elders/grey, you'll want to keep a whole family (or at the very least the hair with the elder textures), or your adults change hairstyles when they turn into elders.

You can choose as many hair colors/styles/textures as you want. Most likely you'll eventually find your favorites and know those are the ones to go for when downloading.
Original Poster
#3 Old 13th Jan 2025 at 12:53 AM
Thank you very much simmer22, you always help me a lot. I have understood that there are several authors and texture creators. I am still not clear if I can keep, for example, all the colors of several hair families, because it is worse to delete something and then not have it appear in the game (I have more than 5 gigabytes of hair in my downloads folder, hahaha, seriously, I am addicted to hair... in sims, obviously). That is the only thing that is not clear to me. Thanks for that program. Does it only work for the bodyshop? Or does it work for the game?
Field Researcher
#4 Old 13th Jan 2025 at 1:45 AM
You can absolutely keep all the colours of multiple hair families, just be aware that you might end up with more recolours than you know what to do with. For example, I use the Pooklet system which usually comes with 20 colours. I usually narrow it down to a few favourites in each shade and use those families. Or I mix and match and make my own families using Cat's hair binner. You could also download the same hair in different colour systems if you want more variety. Just remember to keep the mesh if you decide to delete some recolours but keep others.

Adding tooltips using the link simmer22 posted works both in bodyshop and the game.
Mad Poster
#5 Old 13th Jan 2025 at 5:09 AM Last edited by simmer22 : 13th Jan 2025 at 5:32 AM.
Rebinning the hairs is absolutely a good solution if you don't like how they're set up.

I've had the occasional issue with rebinning already binned hairs (with Cat's binner), likely because the hair is already binned and the binner removes some of the resources inside the file on the first round, but hits a problem during the second (my) round. Make sure you keep a copy of the original files (not in the downloads folder, but on the desktop or elsewhere) until you've tested if the rebinning worked (Bodyshop is very useful for this - you can test with just the changed hairs).

(I'm more likely to just fix whatever it is in SimPE, but that requires a bit of know-how. Or I just use my favorite hair families/textures. These days I download to a folder outside my game, then check everything out in Bodyshop before deciding if I want it in my game. A multi-step process is the best tip for a CC hoarder who usually wants everything XD).

Tooltips work in CAS, but I don't think they work elsewhere ingame (change outfit/buy outfit menus).


Common issues you run into if you remove hairs (only if sims are using them - if no sims are using them, there's no issues with removing hairs)
1: Template sims who are using the hair in Bodyshop will go bald, and if you try to use that template sim in Bodyshop, hairs don't work at all. I think it's still possible to apply a hair in CAS to the same template sim, though.
2: If you remove a hair a sim is currently using ingame, they'll either go bald or switch to a new hair. You can give them a different hair, and it's usually no issue.
3: If you remove some colors from a hair family, and one of those have the elder/grey attached, only up to adult will work for that particular hair family.

Most hairs tend to have the name of the hair in the filename, so you can do a search to see how many you've got of each. Use an asterisk (*) along with a search word (the * tells the search to look in the entire name/folder name, not just at the start or where there are spaces or -_ ), and search in your Downloads folder. It's possible you have to use different search words and try several times, since people name their files different (using the "Cazy Breeze" hair as an example, I'd use *Breeze first, then *Cazy as search words, getting more pinpointed results with "breeze", but looking for missed ones with "Cazy" since it would show all Cazy hairs. For something like "Wings TZ0114", I'd use *TZ0114 and *0114 and *wings as separate searches, in that order. The number gives a more pinpointed result, the name shows all Wings hairs).
Field Researcher
#6 Old 13th Jan 2025 at 9:59 PM
That's interesting, I've never had problems using Cat's rebinner, but then again I do check everything again in SimPE before I test it out in Bodyshop. I keep a spreadsheet with pictures of each hair and where I got it in case something goes wrong in the future. I am a big fan of spreadsheets though, so that's just a bonus for me.
Original Poster
#7 Old 15th Jan 2025 at 1:33 AM
Quote: Originally posted by pinkdynamite
You can absolutely keep all the colours of multiple hair families, just be aware that you might end up with more recolours than you know what to do with. For example, I use the Pooklet system which usually comes with 20 colours. I usually narrow it down to a few favourites in each shade and use those families. Or I mix and match and make my own families using Cat's hair binner. You could also download the same hair in different colour systems if you want more variety. Just remember to keep the mesh if you decide to delete some recolours but keep others.

Adding tooltips using the link simmer22 posted works both in bodyshop and the game.

That was my question, can I have all the hair families? Because why have them all, if they are not visible in the game, but they are and you have just cleared up my doubt, I really appreciate it, for now I am not going to delete anything, but from now on if I see what hair I download and if it has many colors I remove the ones I like the least (they are usually the unnatural colors, especially pink and some very strong green). I can have some pink, green hair etc… but not in all hairstyles. That information is very useful for me, also I have organized my hair in a folder with the Delphi organizer (or something like that), that program is very useful. I really appreciate your help.
Field Researcher
#8 Old 15th Jan 2025 at 2:30 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Missdabone
That was my question, can I have all the hair families? Because why have them all, if they are not visible in the game, but they are and you have just cleared up my doubt, I really appreciate it, for now I am not going to delete anything, but from now on if I see what hair I download and if it has many colors I remove the ones I like the least (they are usually the unnatural colors, especially pink and some very strong green). I can have some pink, green hair etc… but not in all hairstyles. That information is very useful for me, also I have organized my hair in a folder with the Delphi organizer (or something like that), that program is very useful. I really appreciate your help.

Glad to hear that was helpful. I tend to remove most of the unnatural colours too, I'll save maybe a couple of them for my more funky sims but for the most part I stick to the naturals. Personal preference. Enjoy playing your game!
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