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#1 Old Today at 4:13 AM

This user has the following games installed:

Sims 2, University, Nightlife, Open for Business, Pets, Seasons, Bon Voyage, Free Time, Apartment Life
Default How do I know If I installed the Sims 2 body shop correctly?
I did a lot of digging around. I have been searching for the body shop since they re-released the Sims 2 and I found an old file. I am not sure what to do with it... I have installed it but I can't recall how to use it... and I was never very good at it.... I am not even sure if I even put it in the correct area.

Does anyone know what is the most recent version? I am not sure if my version will even work correctly... I have

What would be the easiest test to do to see if it is installed correctly and if the old version will work?

Mad Poster
#2 Old Today at 5:05 AM
Do you have the Ultimate Collection, or the Legacy version (or another version) of TS2?

Currently, the Leagacy version does not contain Bodyshop, and I don't think there's (yet) a way to set it up properly even if you have the files.

If you have the UC (the EA App/Origin version from 2014), the startup file for Bodyshop is in
[install location]\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9\CSBin

For CD versions and the like (depending on version), it's either in

You usually need to set it up to recognize your graphics, and it also works best with the 4 GB patch. Often needs the Cache files deleted to start up. Other than that it should be ready to start up if you have the CD/UC version. Legacy - you'll have to wait until there's a fix.
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