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#1 Old 3rd Aug 2024 at 3:22 PM
Default Modding a Custom Video Game into Sims 3
Hello! I wanted to see if it'd be possible to mod a custom game into the Sims 3.

I've actually never seen a custom game mod. I know there's the Video Game Skill overhaul mod, and there's been custom TV channels, but I've never seen a custom game.

Specifically, I want my Sims to be able to play World of Warcraft, lol. Even if it was just a few still images that cycle though (some of their sim games already are), that'd be fine, I was just wanting a way to insert something like that in and be able to have a Play World of Warcraft option on the pie wheel. (although now that I think of it, the options to play specific games come from the Video Game Skill mod I believe. Even if it'd have to utilize that to make it work that'd be fine)

I've never modded anything before so I'm prepared to already be in over my head lol but I was hoping I might be able to get some advice on if this is possible and where to start.
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#2 Old 4th Aug 2024 at 3:21 AM
Twinsimming's Video Game skill does actually add new custom games as well, so it's both possible and you have an example to learn from.

Script modding is very advanced for a first-time mod though, assuming you don't have prior programming experience.
But it's worth taking a look through the mod .package at how it works, as well as reading a few tutorials and seeing how you fare. I'm sure you could also ask Twin herself if she has any advice / pointers on where to start.

I love the idea If I got my sims hooked on WoW too, we'd both never get anything done...
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