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#1 Old Yesterday at 4:50 PM Last edited by ws2003 : Yesterday at 8:04 PM.
Default Has anyone ever played as Julien Cooke
One of the family bin sims that comes with free time. If so, tell me your stories with him im curious to hear them

My story:
I only played with him with no cheats at all unless the mail carrier came so i could force error + delete his/her ass and i tried to get him promoted and it was successful and stuff, then when i played Nina Caliente (his friend) she had a want to flirt with Julien and so i invited him over and they flirted and etc, i didn't save this part lol, then stuck bills, when Julien was cooking food, i can't pay the bills for some reason and the repo man came and that was the last time i played as him

Lovable, Unpredictable, Programmable, It's The Sims! Hey there sport! What's all the racket?
Mad Poster
#2 Old Yesterday at 5:47 PM
Is he the one with the dog, Porthos, or something?
Mad Poster
#3 Old Yesterday at 6:26 PM
No, Julien's the one who wants to be a cook, except it isn't often his LTW. I've played Julien lots of times, because unless you suppress the stealth neighborhoods he's in the family bin. The most interesting he's ever been was the first time, when he broke up the Travellers' marriage constantly coming home from work with Trisha and having actual chemistry with her while Trent just noodled around and could never settle down satisfactorily to life. Trisha divorced him to marry Julien, leading to Trent having a breakdown and Tina skipping college to stay home and look after him.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
#4 Old Today at 12:53 AM
I don't play with him realistically. He works as a test subject for experiments with mods.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#5 Old Today at 1:00 AM
Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
I don't play with him realistically. He works as a test subject for experiments with mods.

Poor Julien, poor poor Julien. ROFL

Lovable, Unpredictable, Programmable, It's The Sims! Hey there sport! What's all the racket?
Field Researcher
#6 Old Today at 1:41 AM
My Julien moved in on the Picasso marriage, like Peni's Julien did with the Travellers... and I was trying out Preg4AllGenders at the time. Jessica Picasso had twins fathered by Matthew, and very shortly afterwards Matthew found he was pregnant with Julien's baby! The three children all got brought up together, though I don't think I played their household long enough to see what Julien's features looked like when his daughter was older. I recall she looked interesting as a toddler.
Test Subject
#7 Old Today at 4:18 AM
I almost never play with him, especially since I use empty stealth hood templates.
Mad Poster
#8 Old Today at 5:51 AM
The name did not ring a bell, had to look him up. Looked somewhat familiar, but honestly wouldn't be able to put him together with the name. It's possible I've played him at some point when playtesting the FT hood, but probably ages ago, and not for long enough for him to stick to my memory.
#9 Old Today at 6:16 AM
His head is quite distinct, similar to the Unsavory pickpocket. I don't remember if he had cooking enthusiasm by default and could therefore come to Sue's Secret Kitchen before I fixed it. You probably have seen him in the character bin. If you thought that deleting him would cause corruption, you'd see him again and again. I think he looks weird and therefore can have an unrealistic profession.

In my game Julien Cooke lives downtown and is friends with the Travellers who live there too, and knows John Burb. They know about his strangeness, his black boxy furniture and mysterious source of family money, and kept him away from Tina and Lucy before those moved to the LeTournament Academy. Julien Cooke also has a Grilled Cheese secondary aspiration to complement his obsession with cooking.
Mad Poster
#10 Old Today at 8:49 AM
I played him, since I always end up moving the bin sims into my hoods - I'd say at least 3 times. His LTW is to have 30 best friends. He is a popularity sim with a high number of cooking points and works in the culinary career (it is also his hobby).

I find him a bit of a challenge, because he is not a very nice sim, which means he actually finds it difficult to make all those friends. He did not break up any marriages in my hoods - he had various levels of success in making those 30 friends. He adopted a boy and a dog because he needs to socialize, or his aspiration falls.

He owns a small restaurant which is moderately successful in my last hood (which I still play from time to time; the other one was lost when my pc broke). He is also happy to cook for visitors on community lots
Mad Poster
#11 Old Today at 10:49 AM
Ah, I got the dog's name right, but the owner's name wrong (something I sometimes do in RL, embarrassingly XD).

Mad Poster
#12 Old Today at 4:05 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Ah, I got the dog's name right, but the owner's name wrong (something I sometimes do in RL, embarrassingly XD).


Cool Sim, Cyd, one of my favourites.
Mad Poster
#13 Old Today at 4:49 PM
I wouldn't have called his head distinctive, myself, though I realize my standards are perpendicular to most people's. Take the spade beard and curly mustache off him and he's conventionally handsome. I also don't have a problem with his personality limiting his friendships - some of my favorite sims are grouches - but the hours of the culinary career can make it hard for him to cultivate friendships and get out of the house at suitable hours for meeting people. This is not a serious problem in rotation hoods, though, as friendships can be worked from both sides.

In Widespot he and Cyd are sharing a house and have adopted the Critturs. Julien spends quite a lot of time looking after dogs - somehow the jobs all seem to need doing during the day when Cyd's at work, and then Cyd has free time to have guests in the evenings while Julien's working. Julien and Cyd are straight but the neighbors can be forgiven for making assumptions, as the women they're most attracted to are unavailable for one reason or another; either being single as a lifestyle choice, like Candy Hart, or married, like Trisha Traveller and Jessica Picaso. It took ages for them to get rid of their virginities, and it looks as though they're going to quietly grow old together in a welter of dogs.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
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