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#1 Old 7th Nov 2023 at 10:45 AM
SimPE issue - "Not all parts could be found for the mesh"
I'm trying to make an accessory mesh in the sims 2 but when i load up SimPE & go into TOOLS >> PJSE >> Body Mesh Tool >> Extracting Stage & select the file inside my saved sims folder it gives me an error saying "not all parts could be found for this mesh"

I kinda feel like there's a simple way of fixing this, but does anyone here know how? ♥
please help ♥
Mad Poster
#2 Old 7th Nov 2023 at 4:02 PM
Is the screen empty? If so, do "File--> new" before doing the PJSE step.

If the mesh is a multi-part mesh, or has had the names changed in some way, it's possible SimPE doesn't recognize some items. For instance, if I import a multi-part mesh with toddler or infant meshes included, I get the same error saying that it doesn't recognize the these (since there aren't accessories for toddlers or infants, and an outfit was used for the mesh base).

If you get it for all the items, make sure you're extracting from a recolor file (not mesh file), and from a proper SavedSims file, not from a Project package file.
Original Poster
#3 Old 8th Nov 2023 at 7:34 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
Is the screen empty? If so, do "File--> new" before doing the PJSE step.

If the mesh is a multi-part mesh, or has had the names changed in some way, it's possible SimPE doesn't recognize some items. For instance, if I import a multi-part mesh with toddler or infant meshes included, I get the same error saying that it doesn't recognize the these (since there aren't accessories for toddlers or infants, and an outfit was used for the mesh base).

If you get it for all the items, make sure you're extracting from a recolor file (not mesh file), and from a proper SavedSims file, not from a Project package file.

yeah. i was getting it from all files. & yes, i was extracting from the recolor file.
It was one of the sims 2 default meshes, the orange sunglasses that they tell you to recolor/clone when you're making an accessory mesh.

i feel like it's an issue with the directory that the PJSE extracting stage looks through or something like that but i dont know how to fix it.
Mad Poster
#4 Old 8th Nov 2023 at 3:01 PM
The "accessorysunglasseship" one?
Have you tried a different pair of glasses or an outfit or anything like that, just to see if it's the PJSE tool?

It's possible to extract each item separately, and then combine them in a file later. If you need a tutorial or how-to, I wrote one a while back (it's without pics, but shouldn't be too hard to figure out - the info you want is in the "making the mesh file" heading). https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/moo...rial-t1979.html

That way you can extract just the mesh files you want, or add younger ages if you want. Or get around PJSE issues with multi-age meshes not wanting to extract.
Original Poster
#5 Old 9th Nov 2023 at 7:07 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
The "accessorysunglasseship" one?
Have you tried a different pair of glasses or an outfit or anything like that, just to see if it's the PJSE tool?

It's possible to extract each item separately, and then combine them in a file later. If you need a tutorial or how-to, I wrote one a while back (it's without pics, but shouldn't be too hard to figure out - the info you want is in the "making the mesh file" heading). https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/moo...rial-t1979.html

That way you can extract just the mesh files you want, or add younger ages if you want. Or get around PJSE issues with multi-age meshes not wanting to extract.

yeah, it was the "accessorysunglasseship" one
but it also happens when i try to extract a mesh from a default clothing item in the sims 2. i think it's an issue with the directory path.
Mad Poster
#6 Old 9th Nov 2023 at 7:10 AM
Could be. If you haven't set up SimPE properly to read all the paths, it won't pick up the parts it needs.

Have you tested with a simple single-mesh BG file (you can extract directly with the PJSE without making a file in Bodyshop, as long as you know the base name of the mesh you want, plus the age/gender prefix)?
Original Poster
#7 Old 9th Nov 2023 at 7:40 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22

Have you tested with a simple single-mesh BG file (you can extract directly with the PJSE without making a file in Bodyshop, as long as you know the base name of the mesh you want, plus the age/gender prefix)?

i actually have tried that. but i still get the same issue.

Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
Could be. If you haven't set up SimPE properly to read all the paths, it won't pick up the parts it needs.

^this is definately what the issue is. Is there a tutorial so i can set it to the right paths? i just didnt know how to fix that
Mad Poster
#8 Old 9th Nov 2023 at 8:08 AM
It's fairly simple (as long as you don't have a complicated computer setup, that is - and if you have the UC or a more "shady" version, it can occasionally be a bit of a pain with the paths, but most of the time it should work fine).

Extra --> Preferences --> System folders
Check if the folders are pointing to the proper path in your install folders (the main folder for each EP or the BG, depending - if you have the UC, make sure it's pointing to the "EP1, EP2, etc." folders), and the "saved game" path should point to the "The sims 2 (UC)" folder in Documents. If you don't have the Store edition, Life Stories games, or some of the EPs, leave those blank.

In "File Table", tick the EPs you want to enable (especially if you want the game to look up EP items).

You can check if everything is pointing in the right direction the "system check" tab.
Original Poster
#9 Old 16th Feb 2024 at 12:30 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
It's fairly simple (as long as you don't have a complicated computer setup, that is - and if you have the UC or a more "shady" version, it can occasionally be a bit of a pain with the paths, but most of the time it should work fine).

Extra --> Preferences --> System folders
Check if the folders are pointing to the proper path in your install folders (the main folder for each EP or the BG, depending - if you have the UC, make sure it's pointing to the "EP1, EP2, etc." folders), and the "saved game" path should point to the "The sims 2 (UC)" folder in Documents. If you don't have the Store edition, Life Stories games, or some of the EPs, leave those blank.

In "File Table", tick the EPs you want to enable (especially if you want the game to look up EP items).

You can check if everything is pointing in the right direction the "system check" tab.

sorry for the late reply, but i actually just tried fixing it right now. I got all the paths loaded up correctly but it's still giving me the same error message...
is there something else that could be causing this issue?
Mad Poster
#10 Old 16th Feb 2024 at 4:56 PM
Which version of SimPE are you using, and which version of the game (discs, original UC from Origin/EA, or other)?

Do you have "Advanced mode" ticked in the settings? (I don't think it's necessary, but could be worth a try)
Lab Assistant
#11 Old 27th Feb 2024 at 2:00 PM Last edited by lingeringwillx : 28th Feb 2024 at 1:57 AM.
Which version of the game are you playing? Where did you get the game from?

If you're using the osab version then his version used to use my clean up script for a while, which is now known to cause problems with SimPE mesh extraction.
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