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Mad Poster
#9026 Old 15th Sep 2024 at 2:41 PM
Must see a picture of the most useless cat ever. XD
#9027 Old 15th Sep 2024 at 2:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Must see a picture of the most useless cat ever. XD

Ha, I'm not in my game right now but I'll try to get one next time I load it. Tank loves that freaking cat.
Mad Poster
#9028 Old 15th Sep 2024 at 6:00 PM
I just got back my computer in the last 30 minutes, and I think I'm going to go get a new surge protector strip because this was among worst 3 weeks of my life-between losing my computer, and having a very disturbing (but ultimately cleared) diagnosis, I've been bouncing off the walls without playing my game.

Watch out, TT, I'm coming for you!

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
My other downloads are here: https://www.mediafire.com/?r=wbmnd#myfiles
e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#9029 Old 15th Sep 2024 at 6:53 PM
Quote: Originally posted by FranH
Watch out, TT, I'm coming for you!

Sorry to hear you've had a tough week, I think it's going to be getting better soon!
Mad Poster
#9030 Old 15th Sep 2024 at 8:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsample

Sorry to hear you've had a tough week, I think it's going to be getting better soon!

During the past 2 weeks, I've had to deal with the distinct possibility of breast cancer. Which is to say, very difficult to deal with until the second batch of tests came back this past Friday and I was overjoyed to learn that I do not have it.

Imagine being deprived of your one go-to fun and having to do without any real escape from real life. It's enough to make one drink.
Thankfully I had husband's laptop which helped a bit but I could not play any of the games I've got, nor really do much.

The problem with the machine? A power surge-my tech guru, who had been dealing with his own life problems came to my rescue.

So yeah, life's been a bit difficult..but it's much improved now!

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
My other downloads are here: https://www.mediafire.com/?r=wbmnd#myfiles
Mad Poster
#9031 Old 15th Sep 2024 at 9:36 PM Last edited by HarVee : 15th Sep 2024 at 9:49 PM.
That's amazing to hear you don't have cancer @FranH stay strong!

Anyway, this is Malcolm Landgraab and Alabaster Cowl getting into a fight, as usual. basic backstory is that Alabaster is part of a group of Sims that wants to undermine the SimValley presidential race by using zombies to prevent Malcolm Landgraab from being reelected. It's part of a new subplot in my Plot of Land neighborhood.

Malcolm Landgraab: "You witches and weirdo necrophiliacs, I'll have the lot of you deported when I am reelected!"

Alabaster Cowl: "There's no way you're getting reelected you sleazeball..."

Malcolm Landgraab: "Listen here pal, maybe your band of misfits thinks you're clever, but I've got money and fame. I'll have you expelled from Plot of Land if you keep at it."

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

Mad Poster
#9032 Old 16th Sep 2024 at 1:51 AM
In one of the dorms, Davis twins fell in love with my remake of the Roomies. If both couples end up marrying, this means Melissa and Chris will become sisters-in-law!

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

Looking for SimWardrobe's mods? | Or Dizzy's? | Faiuwle/rufio's too! | smorbie1's Chris Hatch archives
Mad Poster
#9033 Old 16th Sep 2024 at 11:52 AM
While the Appleby family enjoyed a great vacation in the Far East, and the Walsh family loved their trip to the mountains, the Silke family was not so lucky when they decided to keep up, specifically with the Appleby neigbors.

The Silke's has just soaked in the hot springs for a while when all 5 family members got the flu. They survived but had little success with anything else. Mr Silke did not learn to teleport or to do tai chi. He may have learned a massage if they could stay a day longer, who knows? His wishes were pointedly ignored by the Far East.

No map found either, but they drank plenty of tea and ate plenty of ramen. Mr Silke saw his waistline expanding and is quite unhappy with his fitness state. (Perhaps Appleby can teach him Tai Chi). They all seemed rather relieved to get back home
e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#9034 Old 16th Sep 2024 at 12:02 PM
Nothing's happening at all! I'm looking at my myriad folders of hoods to test, hoods to finish, hoods to play and thinking, which one do I choose?
Mad Poster
#9035 Old 16th Sep 2024 at 12:12 PM
Quote: Originally posted by FranH
During the past 2 weeks, I've had to deal with the distinct possibility of breast cancer. Which is to say, very difficult to deal with until the second batch of tests came back this past Friday and I was overjoyed to learn that I do not have it.

Imagine being deprived of your one go-to fun and having to do without any real escape from real life. It's enough to make one drink.
Thankfully I had husband's laptop which helped a bit but I could not play any of the games I've got, nor really do much.

The problem with the machine? A power surge-my tech guru, who had been dealing with his own life problems came to my rescue.

So yeah, life's been a bit difficult..but it's much improved now!

So glad you don't have it! It's scary when they say they need to do a biopsy.

Looks like things are improving with the computer back!

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Nothing's happening at all! I'm looking at my myriad folders of hoods to test, hoods to finish, hoods to play and thinking, which one do I choose?

Hey, quit looking at my to do folder!
Mad Poster
#9036 Old 17th Sep 2024 at 2:29 AM
I am extremely not pleased!

Valentine Hart's lifebar is running out, his youngest grandchild just aged up to child, they had about $16K in the bank, and I decided what that family needed was a vacation. He booked the entire household - him, Mary, Rhett, Penny, his and Mary's children Rhein and Aiken, Rhett and Penny's children Laika and Skye - to Three Lakes and I figured (since they were all going to get huge insurance payouts when he died shortly after getting back) that he'd fall back on the habits of his glory days and book the most expensive hotel. I have edited all of the hotels in Three Lakes.

When they got there and got checked in, he took all the ones that wanted a tour on a nature trail, leaving the others to hang around the hotel having a good time. The chance card said that a bear had eaten the tour's picnic lunch, and I know with a result like that there was a chance they'd all be in orange hunger, so I clicked on a phone in one of the suites to order room service so it would be ready for them. But I couldn't get a room service option! Nor is there a restaurant or grill at the Sky Vista Hotel! Sure enough, they came back orange. I did not for one moment believe they could be gotten to a community lot and fed before they hit red, and I was not going to let half the Harts die on their first day of vacation! So I quit to neighborhood.

Where I saw that there were no hotel plumbobs, occupied or not, over any of the lots. Not even the cheaper hotels I've sent people to since my mass neighborhood edit. So I clicked on the expensive hotel in Lot mode, and they weren't there.

All the rooms had wall phones rather than the table phones I'd used last time I had a sim call for room service. I don't know why you'd need table phones, or even if that was a change, but it was the only thing I could think of that might be at fault, so I changed them while I was in there. But there seemed to be no way to get to the family while in Three Lakes. I had forgotten to save when they got to the lot.

So now they're back at home with no vacation, $4k poorer, and I don't know what's wrong with Three Lakes! It's possible, if there's a mod that makes room service only available in hotels with a restaurant, that I've installed it, but I don't remember doing so. And I damn sure didn't download a mod that said it wiped out the lodging plumbobs! This is my first day back in Widespot since the start of the rewiring of the house and I'm monstrously disgruntled about it.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#9037 Old 17th Sep 2024 at 10:58 AM
Oh no @Peni Griffin I hope you figure it out! Poor simmies, no holiday!
Mad Poster
#9038 Old 17th Sep 2024 at 11:48 AM
Ouch, @PeniGriffin. That is where I will cheat and send them on vacation again

In the meantime, the headmaster in my game has just rejected the children of the Minister of Education
#9039 Old 17th Sep 2024 at 1:39 PM
I started working on a new hood that's a military base, so I probably won't have many updates to Strangetown in the near future unless my new project loses my interest. The base is a remote outpost called Camp Jejune. The name was inspired by a military base in my home state called Camp Lejeune, but of course there is the double meaning, which reflects its remoteness and lack of stuff to do (for now).

I did play Strangetown for a bit to get Bella Goth moved Downtown and have her hire a bodyguard, since everyone has been spying on her with the telescope lately. She hired a townie I had to make playable because he is the father of Nina Caliente's first child. He is a Romance aspiration, so I thought bodyguard would be a good profession for him, and of course he and Bella got right down to business. Then, Bella wanted to invite over Dustin Broke, whom she must have met somewhere. She wanted to seduce him, and they did make out a little, but Dustin refused to go any further. He had other plans, and while Bella was upstairs with her bodyguard, he was able to nick several expensive things from her house and slip out unseen. Unfortunately, his wife, Lilith, had seen him kissing Bella through the window and was rather pissed when Dustin got home, but he was soon able to smooth things over after showing her all the stuff he got away with. The loot was enough to pay for their son's college education so he would hopefully have better career prospects. (These are all Pleasantview characters I imported into Strangetown, except Bella is the Strangetown version.)

Also, sadly, Johnny Smith died of old age. I did my best to give him a good send-off. I have to admit that I'm reluctant to keep playing Strangetown because Tank will be next to go, and as you all have probably guessed, he is my favorite. (I am aware of Elixir of Life, but I don't play with it too much, except for story reasons.)

And I just realized that I forgot once again to take a picture of Tank's cat, Bonkers. Sorry!
Mad Poster
#9040 Old 17th Sep 2024 at 3:05 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
I am extremely not pleased!

Valentine Hart's lifebar is running out, his youngest grandchild just aged up to child, they had about $16K in the bank, and I decided what that family needed was a vacation. He booked the entire household - him, Mary, Rhett, Penny, his and Mary's children Rhein and Aiken, Rhett and Penny's children Laika and Skye - to Three Lakes and I figured (since they were all going to get huge insurance payouts when he died shortly after getting back) that he'd fall back on the habits of his glory days and book the most expensive hotel. I have edited all of the hotels in Three Lakes.

When they got there and got checked in, he took all the ones that wanted a tour on a nature trail, leaving the others to hang around the hotel having a good time. The chance card said that a bear had eaten the tour's picnic lunch, and I know with a result like that there was a chance they'd all be in orange hunger, so I clicked on a phone in one of the suites to order room service so it would be ready for them. But I couldn't get a room service option! Nor is there a restaurant or grill at the Sky Vista Hotel! Sure enough, they came back orange. I did not for one moment believe they could be gotten to a community lot and fed before they hit red, and I was not going to let half the Harts die on their first day of vacation! So I quit to neighborhood.

Where I saw that there were no hotel plumbobs, occupied or not, over any of the lots. Not even the cheaper hotels I've sent people to since my mass neighborhood edit. So I clicked on the expensive hotel in Lot mode, and they weren't there.

All the rooms had wall phones rather than the table phones I'd used last time I had a sim call for room service. I don't know why you'd need table phones, or even if that was a change, but it was the only thing I could think of that might be at fault, so I changed them while I was in there. But there seemed to be no way to get to the family while in Three Lakes. I had forgotten to save when they got to the lot.

So now they're back at home with no vacation, $4k poorer, and I don't know what's wrong with Three Lakes! It's possible, if there's a mod that makes room service only available in hotels with a restaurant, that I've installed it, but I don't remember doing so. And I damn sure didn't download a mod that said it wiped out the lodging plumbobs! This is my first day back in Widespot since the start of the rewiring of the house and I'm monstrously disgruntled about it.

I'd download a build/buy enabler, so you can at least whip out a grill if it happens again.

Quote: Originally posted by sturlington
Also, sadly, Johnny Smith died of old age. I did my best to give him a good send-off. I have to admit that I'm reluctant to keep playing Strangetown because Tank will be next to go, and as you all have probably guessed, he is my favorite. (I am aware of Elixir of Life, but I don't play with it too much, except for story reasons.)

And I just realized that I forgot once again to take a picture of Tank's cat, Bonkers. Sorry!

Bonkers will be sad if his human dies is a good enough story reason to use Elixir of Life!
Forum Resident
#9041 Old 17th Sep 2024 at 11:33 PM
I prepared and started up an attempt at a version of the tiered Apocalypse challenge, as described by Phaenoh here on MTS, but starting out with the Desiderata Valley sims rather than just one sim. Starting out with so many sims is both a pro and a con - especially as Elizabeth Aspir, Opal Contrary and Hannah Bell all started out pregnant. I also allowed sims to bring some things from their old homes with them, but only things they could be expected to be able to carry in their hands, and nothing I felt went against the spirit of the challenge.

Pauline Aspir had a fear of her mum dying before everything was even set in place, hopefully that's not foreshadowing. The Aspir family is all in one household, including the now old Natasha Una and the resurrected Noriko, bringing that household to three elders that according to the rules can't be controlled. I had planned to put in some downloaded lots but the game crashed when I tried to enter so I had to whip something up on my own. For the Aspirs, I made a lot that looks like an old office building or something, but where only a small section is available. Victor works in the medical career so he got to keep his job. Elizabeth got put on cooking duty, got food poisoning and gave birth to a son who got the name Levi and looks a lot like his father. Pauline was stuck on the toilet for an hour because Noriko stood blocking the toilet booth door and wouldn't move out of the way. Isaac Bell came to visit. The welcome wagon consisted solely of little Allan Jocque, Sophia's and Marcel's adopted son.

The Contrary and Jocque families moved into a house together, a small simple thing that was put up in a haste for the current situation. Marcel is in the culinary career so he kept his job, Rick Contrary got a job in the culinary career too, and Violet got a job in the military career but was fired on her first day. Opal gave birth to a daughter named Engla and who Marcel ended up as one of the primary caregivers to, especially as he and Rick are in charge of the kitchen.

The Bell family took in John Mole and are currently squatting in a small, rundown house. John joined the military career. Hannah got put in charge of cooking as she's the only one who can grill hamburgers, though Sharon got the family to starve one day when she managed to sneak out the ingredients for a bologna sandwhich that I forced her to give to Daniel (at this point in the challenge, sims are only allowed to take food out of the fridge once per day). Between Hannah and Elizabeth Aspir, about six plates of hamburgers have disappeared into the ground so far because they've paused to complain about something and dumped the plates into the void. Hannah gave birth to a son, Jakob Bell. Daniel grew up to a fortune teen. I had planned to have him join the military career, for free food mostly, and he grew up looking more than military ready. The welcome wagon consisted solely of Allan Jocque.

As a whole, everyone's tired, hungry, dirty and miserable, toddlers are continously disappointed getting rejected when they ask the adults for things, and people are generally cranky towards each other (Marcel Jocque, for instance, got rejected trying to make out with his wife). The bathrooms are constantly cramped with people (though that's nothing uncommon) and the bathrooms sinks have probably gotten more use these past few sim days than in my previous years of playing the game, for sims washing their hands profusely, the occasional sponge bath, and downing glass after glass of water for that ever so slight decrease in hunger.

I am Error.
Mad Poster
#9042 Old 18th Sep 2024 at 5:07 AM
I'm trying my "Curious about Genetics" hood again. I used the Beginnings Hoods Project separated families for the Brokes, Pleasants and Summerdreams and put them into the Meadow Creek without Sims. The first born in game generation are are now teens. They have been getting ready for college and getting scholarships.

William Marsh has gotten abducted twice by aliens, and teen Tiffany Marsh also got abducted by aliens. So another scholarship for her. Although I am curious why just that house is getting abducted by aliens and no one else.
Mad Poster
#9043 Old 18th Sep 2024 at 5:52 AM
I added a restaurant to Sky Vista, went around to all the other hotels I could identify - I think I got all of them - and made sure they had food sources - and sent the Harts back to Three Lakes, to a cheaper hotel. This one had eminem's snack cart in the lobby, and not enough else to do. People are gravitating to it even when they're not hungry. Penny wants to meet Bigfoot but her attempt to dig up a map ended with a broken waterline. So far tour chance cards have been good. Laika doesn't really want to be there but she got up early on the second day to go on a birdwatching tour, on which she gained a Logic point. She's a little miffed that she stayed behind with Skye while everybody else went on the logging tour and came home with a new body point. The two couples are embarrassing their children by dating all over the hotel. New teen Aiken is having a hard time meeting other teens and desperately wants to flirt. Laika and Rhein are sharing a room and hanging around together like best friends do. Little Skye is taking pictures, slapdancing, and trying to cockblock his parents by getting into their double bed instead of his single in the same room. They've been to the market, the spa, and the throwing ax range, and only have one day left to do whatever else they're going to do.

When I quit for the night the occupied hotel, and only the occupied hotel, had a lodging plumbob. This is not the kind of change I download mods for, but it must be a side effect of something I did want.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Mad Poster
#9044 Old 18th Sep 2024 at 7:49 AM
Not much. Had to give minor makeovers to several of the lots in Plot of Land because I removed a lot of CC from my game. I've also been merging CC files to help with load times. Got rid of about 500mb so far and merged about 300mb of stuff that I know I will keep in my game.

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#9045 Old 18th Sep 2024 at 8:05 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
This one had eminem's snack cart in the lobby,

I can almost taste it
Mad Poster
#9046 Old 18th Sep 2024 at 10:21 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
I added a restaurant to Sky Vista, went around to all the other hotels I could identify - I think I got all of them - and made sure they had food sources - and sent the Harts back to Three Lakes, to a cheaper hotel. This one had eminem's snack cart in the lobby, and not enough else to do. People are gravitating to it even when they're not hungry. Penny wants to meet Bigfoot but her attempt to dig up a map ended with a broken waterline. So far tour chance cards have been good. Laika doesn't really want to be there but she got up early on the second day to go on a birdwatching tour, on which she gained a Logic point. She's a little miffed that she stayed behind with Skye while everybody else went on the logging tour and came home with a new body point. The two couples are embarrassing their children by dating all over the hotel. New teen Aiken is having a hard time meeting other teens and desperately wants to flirt. Laika and Rhein are sharing a room and hanging around together like best friends do. Little Skye is taking pictures, slapdancing, and trying to cockblock his parents by getting into their double bed instead of his single in the same room. They've been to the market, the spa, and the throwing ax range, and only have one day left to do whatever else they're going to do.

When I quit for the night the occupied hotel, and only the occupied hotel, had a lodging plumbob. This is not the kind of change I download mods for, but it must be a side effect of something I did want.

Is room service working now?
Mad Poster
#9047 Old 18th Sep 2024 at 12:49 PM
That snack cart is probably the highest rated dessert cart in the world.
I use it at my movie theater for those people who want a break after the movie ends.

Dove back into Thalia, and several things happened-the old men are chasing younger women, (Luis Owen has been doing this forever, and now he has 3 girlfriends, 1 very bitter ex-wife and a couple of pissed off ex-girlfriends. His friend Elijah Joseph has been caught flirting with Sonja Schneider, as well.)

Malcolm Davenport, being the devious man he is, was living with Kimberly Schneider (an older woman) got engaged to Jenna Owen who is attending college. Then he decided that he had to marry Kimberly so he can inherit her life insurance when she dies, so he can get married to Jenna after she graduates from college. Jenna is unaware of his marriage. (yes, I did hack this situation into being..)

Kent Sparks was engaged to Sonja Schneider, and planning to get married to her, but met and fell in love with Debbie Hansen. He was caught kissing Debbie by Sonja-who kicked him out of her house. He's still in love with Debbie, who's married to an older man (but is patiently awaiting his death) but still pines for Sonja-who thereupon got engaged to yet another Davenport, Dylan-Malcolm's brother who has been in love with Sonja forever and a day.

Yes, Thalia is bumping along very nicely. I love playing this game and town.

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
My other downloads are here: https://www.mediafire.com/?r=wbmnd#myfiles
Mad Poster
#9048 Old Yesterday at 3:39 AM
By the time the Harts finished their vacation the dessert cart was completely empty; but I tried, without much hope, and they could get room service. So I don't know what was wrong at the Sky Vista Hotel that was okay at Hunter's Bedrock. They couldn't cover their entire hotel bill - they seem to have been charged for a room that I didn't reserve and that they only used when everyone wanted to use a bathroom at the same time - but they are suing the airline and the original hotel for screwing them over and I expect the amount to come through shortly after Valentine dies, which judging by the life bar will almost certainly be tomorrow or the next day. Sniff.

The only vacation-specific things they wanted to do were tours, log rolling, meeting Bigfoot, Rhett and Penny wanted to learn massages, and of course woohoo in saunas and hammocks and whatnot. Poor Aiken met several attractive tourists and couldn't get up to flirt level with any of them. Most of their tours went well but none of them produced maps to Bigfoot's lair and Penny's sole attempt to find one by digging for treasure only broke a water line. Little Skye made best friends with several family members. The teens went out on their own in the evening of the last day, to the Public Access Beach I put on the lakeshore opposite the market, and they sat around the campfire and made sandcastles with the locals.

They're all safe home now, Aiken's all caught up on homework, and Laika and Rhein - no doubt looking forward to college - sat and learned lifeskills. Aiken's probably looking forward to them leaving, honestly. Then he and Skye won't have to share the smallest bedroom in the house.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
#9049 Old Today at 1:15 AM
I discovered in setting up my military base, Camp Jejune, that I am not the "build a city" type. That is, I really need to have all the lots laid out so that I can see how the whole thing looks before starting to play. I can't just place lot by lot as they are "unlocked" and be happy with the results. So I've been working out what buildings I need for base proper and how they will be organized.

I decided on using the beautifully sized map of Binville by @justpetro as the upper section is the perfect size for the base, and that leaves the lower section empty to build off-base housing and businesses. Thank you for making that map! And thanks to all the wonderful MTS builders whose creations I can modify for my own uses. Building does not come effortlessly to me so I'm very grateful.

Here's the list of lots I'm working up based on what I think a military base would rightly have, plus to correspond to the Sims 2 careers so everyone has a place to "go to work":
  • a barracks for enlisted personnel
  • 6 low-priced housing units for junior officers+ and their families
  • 2 bigger houses for senior officers/commanders
  • 1 house for an astronaut
  • the general's house
  • visitors' quarters
  • motor pool
  • air traffic control, hangar, and runway
  • administrative offices
  • legal offices + court
  • MP headquarters
  • PX + recreation center
  • officers' club
  • mess
  • post office
  • newspaper office
  • chapel
  • cemetery
  • elementary school
  • high school
  • hospital
  • observatory/research lab
  • central park

It's been fun so far looking for lots and then renovating them so they look how I want, and I'm very pleased with the result so far. Next I can put through my first "class" of recruits. My plan is to play them in the barracks for 1 week or until they reach junior officer level of the military (or are dishonorably discharged) and use their wants, lifetime wants, and personalities to help figure out what role they will play in the town proper.
Mad Poster
#9050 Old Today at 7:44 AM
Thank you, enjoy, @sturlington
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