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Mad Poster
#13376 Old 20th Sep 2024 at 1:23 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
I've sometimes wondered if whoever named the pooklet colours is secretly a pyromaniac.

I'm pretty sure Pooklet named them. They are both a person and a texture style.
Mad Poster
#13377 Old 20th Sep 2024 at 1:47 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Almighty Hat does the extra long file name stuff and some of her hairs haven't shown up in game because the name is too long (I had to shorten it). Credit people in the upload post, not the file name!

I used to do the jungle Downloads folder. XD That's why I had to reorganise all my CC a while back.

^ I had a repo'd clothing set from one creator where I'd just put whatever came in the zip folders into my downloads. Couldn't understand why the textures didn't show up. They did, once I removed the 3 or so layers of folders...

Memo to self from then on - always check what's actually in the zip files, and always shorten down file paths (folders and/or file names). It's also one of the reasons why I don't export files directly from zip files to my downloads folder.

Had an even more annoying issue back when I still had my XP laptop. Some files kept getting their names cut off, so "somethingname.package" became "SOMETHI~.package" and I couldn't figure out why for the longest time. Also turned out to be caused by too long file paths (which used to be an even bigger issue with XP, and actually showed up as such - these days you don't even know).

I had a jungle Downloads folder for the longest time, too. Things kept getting added, I kept putting them in new folders (or "New from -today's date-" kind of folders, and it was all a big mess. Now I've organized most of my old CC, but the trouble is, there doesn't seem to be a finish line
#13378 Old Today at 4:04 AM
Quote: Originally posted by LauraPamplonaS
I started a hood with this recreation of Old Town map, and it looks SO PRETTY!


It looks beautiful, I might use that neighborhood myself!
Mad Poster
#13379 Old Today at 4:59 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
I had a jungle Downloads folder for the longest time, too. Things kept getting added, I kept putting them in new folders (or "New from -today's date-" kind of folders, and it was all a big mess. Now I've organized most of my old CC, but the trouble is, there doesn't seem to be a finish line

I feel ya on that one. Back in the XP days I'd organize everything by site > author > set > object type and it became a bit too much to handle when I couldn't find anything. Nowadays I sort things into folder structure by mode > type and even then, I still have trouble finding things. So, I set out to rectify this by using Lazy Duchess' CCMerger and merging things into single files and name them something I can easily remember such as "BuildDoorsMerge.package" That way I know all my doors are in one little package that is in the root of my downloads. Not everything merges of course with that program, so I still use the prior mode > type folder structure organization for things that don't merge.

The CCMerger is kind of a lifesaver if you have a downloads folder over 1GB. Makes organizing so much easier. You just need to make sure whatever you merge is something you plan on keeping in your game, and of course do rigorous testing to make sure it all works correctly post-merge.

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

Mad Poster
#13380 Old Today at 5:33 AM
Quote: Originally posted by HarVee
I feel ya on that one. Back in the XP days I'd organize everything by site > author > set > object type and it became a bit too much to handle when I couldn't find anything. Nowadays I sort things into folder structure by mode > type and even then, I still have trouble finding things.

Same here (although I had probably at least 4-5 different sorting methods going on, and way too many folders).

These days I sort by function, which is to say "CAS", "Buy", "Build" etc. as main categories, occasionally subfolders with main subcategories, then folders with proper name (siteORcreatorORtype_itemName -> files), and if some files can sort on their own due to having proper naming, they're loose in their main folder. Very rarely more than 2-3 folders deep these days.

I need to sort stuff by site/creator still, because that's usually how I remember them - but this way it's a whole lot easier to remember what's what, and if I'm looking for a spesific item in a spesific category, I know which main folder to look in, instead of having to look through a complete mess.
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