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#1 Old Yesterday at 11:48 PM
Default Are Family Bin Deleted Sim recoverable
Sorry if i postedd this twice. I tried to post it one time but it wasn't posting. Maybe i was impatient. MTS mods if i posted the same topic twice pls reach out to me.


So i have sims 2 mansion and garden stuff installed in my moms laptop for some reason, and i didn't know deleting sims from the family bin was generally not recommended so pls don't tell me that because I AM ALREADY AWARE

So i deleted sims from the family bin, and some of the sims are iconic and memorable and beloved and you name it. I want them back. Is it possible? I want to turn them fully playable sims again. when you delete a sim from the family bin the sim's file turns into a stub file. Fandom Sims Wiki says it doesn't cause corruption because 'when people saw pescado's post about stub files they had a misconception'. Anyway back to our topic, as i said sims deleted from sim bin their files turn into stub files so theyre not really fully deleted. Is there anyway to bring them back?

If impossible? Can i see them again on SimPE, so i can remake them in my Sims 2 Ultimate Collection? Pls. Thanks.
Mad Poster
#2 Old Today at 3:17 AM
There's two things you can do, AFAIK, though some brilliant person may have found a third way and I missed it.

If you're willing to start that neighborhood over, and it's a premade neighborhood, delete the hood, close the game, then go to your TheSims2 folder and rename it - just add a letter or something, it's only temporary - and restart the game. This will create a new TheSims2 folder with all the premade neighborhoods. Let the game load fully; then quit it, copy the new version of the hood into the Neighborhoods folder, get rid of the new folder, rename the old one, and launch the game.

If you want to add the family bin sims to an existing situation without losing all the play progress you've made, you will have to download clones of the families you want - all or most of them have clones available, but you may have to hunt for them. Ask in the WCIF forum - and recreate them in CAS, using the Wiki to be sure you give them the correct personalities and relationships. Once moved into the family bin from CAS, you can use an editing tool, such as SimPE, the Sim Manipulator, and/or the testingcheats, to add any memories, set relationship levels, and otherwise tweak them to suit.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
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