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#7001 Old Today at 4:38 AM
Quote: Originally posted by foxmanic
Best way to make me not look at your blog or posts is to only post about premade sims. I didn't care about them when the game was released, I still don't care about them 20 years later and I don't understand why people are so drawn to them.

I guess maybe it's that I don't really see the attraction of reading neverending, picture-heavy sagas about ANY Sims - premade or unique - just to follow their stories. If it's entertaining, or suspenseful, or really visually stunning, then maybe I would get interested. I will myself occasionally post shots of amusing situations when they spontaneously arise, with joke captions, on Discord. If it makes a few people chuckle, I've accomplished my goal. But I would never expect anyone else to be particularly interested in my Sims' lives, looking forward to the next chapter on the Caliente twins' great-grandchildren's college romances, or whatever.

I mentioned Lego... When my 10-year-old niece started playing with my old childhood bricks, I would write little vignettes about the characters and their problems, illustrated with photos of the minfigs doing crazy things, which she thought were pretty funny. So I attempted to re-create those Sim-style, and post them in the MTS stories section... I didn't use poseboxes, so it took some patience to get the situations set up, figure out the camera angles, and so forth. And the result? Rejected! Because they weren't ongoing sagas, which apparently was the only acceptable form of Sims fiction. I don't care much for soap operas, either (in case you couldn't guess)... it's the uber-predictable multi-generational drama - paired with bad writing. Eye candy, is the only explanation I can understand. But hey, millions of people watch them, so what the hell do I know? As Charity says, people play this game for all sorts of reasons, and there's a multiverse of tangential activity connected to it. So... don't mind me; play the way you play, and be happy.

My beard grows to my toes; I never wears no clothes.
I wraps my hair around my bare,
And down the road I goes. -Shel Silverstein
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