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#1 Old 21st Jun 2024 at 7:06 PM Last edited by Nadziejka : 22nd Jun 2024 at 4:37 PM.
Default How to include Store skills in an xml tuning mod?
I'm making a mod similar to this one, but more tailored to my tastes. I wanted to add skills from the Store so that, for example, the violin skill would count towards fine arts in the aptitude test. I got the correct skill names (ViolinSkillStore, ArtisanSkillStore, etc) from a ccmerged.package downloaded from the Internet (I don't have it myself, I use store merges) and typed them into the xmls, but it didn't do anything. I created a sim and gave him violin skill level 10 with MasterController, and he got no benefits in the aptitude test. Other than that, the mod works flawlessly, and the non-Store skills count in the test as they should.
So, is there any way to make the Store ones count? I saw someone in an old thread suggest getting Nraas Careers, but that didn't help.

Edit: Just realized that professions (active careers) don't work either. I wanted technology degrees to count for the firefighter career but it doesn't work...
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#2 Old 24th Jun 2024 at 3:28 AM
Were those results from adding the skills to the same XMLs used in that mod, or to the UniversityWelcomeKit_TakeAptitudeTest XML? As the test itself uses different tuning than the ones that affect the majors themselves.

If neither work, it's likely a limitation of how extra skills like Store skills get injected into the SkillNames list versus how this particular script looks for them.
The illegitimate store content described could also be related, which can't really be troubleshooted here but I wouldn't rule it out as a possibility.
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#3 Old 24th Jun 2024 at 3:59 PM
Quote: Originally posted by CardinalSims
Were those results from adding the skills to the same XMLs used in that mod, or to the UniversityWelcomeKit_TakeAptitudeTest XML? As the test itself uses different tuning than the ones that affect the majors themselves.

If neither work, it's likely a limitation of how extra skills like Store skills get injected into the SkillNames list versus how this particular script looks for them.
The illegitimate store content described could also be related, which can't really be troubleshooted here but I wouldn't rule it out as a possibility.

I edited both the UniversityDegrees xml and UniversityWelcomeKit_TakeAptitudeTest. I don't think the Store merges are the problem, because other people reported the same issue and they never mentioned having merged or otherwise decrapified Store content. But still, there are people who were able to make mods with Store skills, so it should be possible, right?
Right now though I'm more worried about the active careers not working, do you have any idea how to fix this?
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#4 Old 25th Jun 2024 at 2:10 AM
SimMX's explanation is as I mentioned- a hard limitation on how those scripts are accessing SkillNames that tuning alone doesn't cover.
The Faster/Slower mod is editing an XML that was already for the Store skills to begin with. It did not have to add anything that was not already supported.

Active Careers may have a hard limitation in the same way, if those careers don't make the necessary check for a degree.
Unfortunately, the only thing I can suggest is double checking the OccupationNames list that spelling and case is identical and testing with no other mods in play just to make sure
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#5 Old 25th Jun 2024 at 3:35 PM
Quote: Originally posted by CardinalSims
SimMX's explanation is as I mentioned- a hard limitation on how those scripts are accessing SkillNames that tuning alone doesn't cover.
The Faster/Slower mod is editing an XML that was already for the Store skills to begin with. It did not have to add anything that was not already supported.

Active Careers may have a hard limitation in the same way, if those careers don't make the necessary check for a degree.
Unfortunately, the only thing I can suggest is double checking the OccupationNames list that spelling and case is identical and testing with no other mods in play just to make sure

Thanks, if that's the case then probably my only option would be to get someone to help me make a script mod, because I don't know anything about C programming. I doubt anyone would do that though
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#6 Old 12th Aug 2024 at 8:00 AM Last edited by DonaldFowler : 26th Sep 2024 at 4:46 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by CardinalSims
SimMX's explanation is as I mentioned- a hard limitation on how those scripts are accessing SkillNames that tuning alone doesn't cover.
The Faster/Slower mod is editing an XML that was already for the Store skills to begin with. It did not have to add anything that was not already supported.
To include Store skills in your XML mod, ensure you reference the correct skill names in the aptitude test tuning XML. Verify the IDs from the ccmerged.package, and consider using NRaas mods for better integration. Testing with a new Sim after clearing your cache is essential. Good luck! I am a college student and While preparing for an assignment on skills, I found an informative sample on https://www.topessaywriting.org/samples/skills topessaywriting. It explored various types of skills necessary for professional success and personal development. The examples provided clarity on how to apply these skills in different contexts. If you’re working on a similar topic, I encourage you to check out this sample. It can guide you in articulating your thoughts and understanding the importance of developing diverse skills.
Active Careers may have a hard limitation in the same way, if those careers don't make the necessary check for a degree.
Unfortunately, the only thing I can suggest is double checking the OccupationNames list that spelling and case is identical and testing with no other mods in play just to make sure

Thanks for the advice, I will keep it in mind.
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