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#1 Old 5th Jul 2024 at 9:41 PM
Default trashed residential lots
I have an old trashed lot I've played a bunch of times- once the sim I moved there DIED from all the flies/roaches? Another time the welcome wagon sims volunteered to mop, etc - and one of them died. What fun! But the lot is too small. Does anyone know of another lot? On the other hand maybe this is a bad idea, as the house had prior tenants. Or maybe there are CC that can be the same, as; weeds, nasty puddles and trash (not the "deco" piles of trash and broken chairs, which don't make the environment bad). I know there are cheats to make things dirty & broken.
On the other other hand, maybe playing a pre-occupied lot is ok...

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#2 Old 6th Jul 2024 at 4:33 PM
This one doesn't come with roaches and dirt although still trashed, but you can trash it even more with these:
Buyable weeds
Buyable trash (Old mod)
Buyable roaches (Another old mod
Puddles of blood (And green goo and oil spill) that behave the same as the ingame water puddles and make the environmental score drop low

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