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Field Researcher
#14951 Old 6th Sep 2024 at 1:52 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre


This one is good mod, I just wish that something similar exist for friends, job collegues and Music&Dance hobby enthusiasts.
Lab Assistant
#14952 Old Yesterday at 11:59 PM
I would love to see varied "Pay For Bill" options at restaurants: you can either split the bill 50/50 and pay for your own meals, offer to pay your dates meal for a positive relationship boost (or negative, depending on their personality, maybe if they're serious they'd be offended), or convince your date to pay for your meal for a negative relationship score (or positive, if a sim is nice).

Another thing that would be fun would be a "Pass the Phone to..." interaction from sims who are at the same household, kind of like a threeway call but more traditional and realistic. Like, imagine if Dustin Broke could call "The Pleasant Family," and a random member would pick up the phone, and a little dialogue box along the lines of "Oh, Dustin, I didn't think you'd be calling, is there someone here you'd like to talk to?" and if you say yes, it'll bring up a sims panel of available members of the household, so if Angela, for instance, is at school, she wouldn't be available. If you say no, you'll keep talking with that member of the household. If no one else is available or it's a single sim you're just prompted with a dialogue that says "How nice to finally have someone to talk to!" or something along those lines. Yes, it's more tedious and pointless, but it would be funny having to experience that second-hand embarrassment as an option. Maybe if a sim who doesn't like the caller answers they just reject them outright and hang up.
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