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#26 Old 2nd Jul 2024 at 7:08 PM
Thank you so much for letting me know, I'll check it out! ๐Ÿ˜Š
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Original Poster
#27 Old 2nd Jul 2024 at 7:10 PM
Thank you so much for the link! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Also let me tell you an update: I've managed to clone sims in the Body shop (yaaayyy!) so we are progressing here!^^
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Original Poster
#28 Old 2nd Jul 2024 at 9:41 PM
Hey guys, here's another update, somehow I didn't know I should put all of these programms (HoodChecker, HoodReplacer and Lot Compression) into the SimPE folder - that's why it didn't work, now I have managed to clone the lots as well and clean them I guess? But I tested the hood with the HoodChecker and it says User File Warnings and a lot of "Sims has no Character file" (I've just deleted them since I don't have any sims) and there are also warnings about memories but only when I tick that box for "not only invalid memories" and it shows that some of my sims got talent badges even though I don't have any sims in this hood, maybe it's from the NPCs... is there a way to fix this? I guess you mustn't have any warnings with the hood checker right? I wish I could upload pictures so I could explain it better...
Forum Resident
#29 Old Yesterday at 5:56 AM Last edited by Sokisims : Yesterday at 6:20 AM.
It would be better if you took screenshots of everything, you are still at a somewhat low level and you have to learn things that we cannot explain to you if you do not give us more details. I can't know if you're wrong or doing everything correctly without more details.

The thing about missing character files is strange, does that mean that you have used hoodcheker in a neighborhood where you put a "clean" house? or in a neighborhood where you have not done anything?

If I'm not mistaken, the lack of character files is one of the most obvious signs of corruption and bringing references from a previous neighborhood. So you haven't cleaned the house properly. Additionally, character files cannot be deleted, once a sim is created in a neighborhood it must stay, deleting character files destroys the neighborhood.

Also: "It could be as simple as a mod. Do you have a Pollination Technician replacement? Do you use an Ideal Plantsim replacement? Do you use the surfing mod? Those can cause these and itโ€˜s normal." You should always avoid these types of mods that creates npc when creating hoods.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#30 Old Yesterday at 2:41 PM
Note: It would be better if you took screenshots of everything, you are still at a somewhat low level and you have to learn things that we cannot explain to you if you do not give us more details. I can't know if you're wrong or doing everything correctly without more details.

A: I don't know how do we post pictures up here unfortunately...

Note: The thing about missing character files is strange, does that mean that you have used hoodcheker in a neighborhood where you put a "clean" house? or in a neighborhood where you have not done anything?

A: I used it on the NBHD where I've put clean houses (without any sims in it)!

If I'm not mistaken, the lack of character files is one of the most obvious signs of corruption and bringing references from a previous neighborhood. So you haven't cleaned the house properly. Additionally, character files cannot be deleted, once a sim is created in a neighborhood it must stay, deleting character files destroys the neighborhood.
Also: "It could be as simple as a mod. Do you have a Pollination Technician replacement? Do you use an Ideal Plantsim replacement? Do you use the surfing mod? Those can cause these and itโ€˜s normal." You should always avoid these types of mods that creates npc when creating hoods.

I think that was it! I created a new version but without the downloads folder in and now I don't have any warnings, I only have 2 hidden memories that show only when I click the option "Show all memories, not only the invalid ones":
1) Valid: NBHD (Invisible) Token - Townie - Badge Seeded
2) Valid: NBHD (Invisible) Token - Global - BFF Initialized

Other than that and when that option is off I don't have any warnings. Does that mean that the hood is fine for the upload?

Thank you once again for helping me!^^
Forum Resident
#31 Old Today at 12:16 PM Last edited by Sokisims : Today at 12:31 PM.
I don't speak English to be able to help you properly. I don't know if you have done the tutorial to clean the houses correctly. :/

It may be that by removing your downloads folder you have removed some problematic mod that created npc, I have no idea, but you should have at least these mods:


No Corrupt Death, No Unlink on Delete, Anti-Redundancy, No Townie Regen, No Sim Loaded

and I'm sure I forgot some more, but I'm a little dizzy, I just woke up xD
e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#32 Old Today at 2:25 PM
It might help if you could upload your files here, telling us what CC, mods and Expansion packs you used to make it. Then I could look at it to see if it's clean.
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