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#1 Old 16th Jun 2024 at 2:07 AM Last edited by echoweaver : 16th Jun 2024 at 2:23 AM.
Default Alpha Testing: Warrior Cats (Pets) Mod
This is the pinnacle of my long-promised pets mods, a mod designed around Erin Hunter's Warriors book series. I was inspired to write Pets mods by watching my kid play the TS3 Warrior Cats Challenge. It was dismaying how little user-directed pets could do to take care of themselves or, really, have any kind of interesting gameplay.

This mod is almost feature-complete, but some stuff is still pretty rough. For one thing, there are no skill journals to speak of for the two custom skills. I'll try to make it clear in this post what the various levels of the Medicine skill do.

This mod is intended to be played with my other pets mods:

Cat Fishing Skill: https://modthesims.info/d/656115/cat-fishing-skill.html
Pet Fighting Skill: https://modthesims.info/d/666801/pe...ting-skill.html
Pet Diseases: https://modthesims.info/d/677117/pet-diseases.html

This is a fairly big mod, and there are so many things that might go wrong even with the testing I've tried to do. Play at your own risk. Of particular note: If you want to uninstall a custom skill mod, always remove the skill from all sims in the save using NRaas MasterController or something similar.
What this mod has:
  1. A Medicine Pet skill that allows a pet to cure fleas and wounds/diseases from my other mods using University herbs.
  2. An Herb Lore skill that is basically pet gardening, allowing pets to gather and grow the ingredients needed by the Medicine Pet. You learn the first level of this skill by an Inspect Plant option. You can't even pick up seeds until then. Other basic gardening skills are achieved by leveling up, but plant difficulty levels are ignored. Watering plants involves physically going back and forth from a pond. Let's face it -- gardening is HARD for animals.
  3. A master-apprentice system that allows a pet to take on another pet as apprentice and mentor them in skills. A mentored apprentice learns skills at a significantly higher rate than normal. With a new household, any adult or elder dog or cat may take any kitten/puppy or adult pet as an apprentice. A pet that has been taken as an apprentice may not take one unless they are graduated by their mentor.

What it doesn't have:
  1. Much in the way of skill journals for the new skills, including info on what each level of the skill actually does. I'll try to get the relevant info about the Medicine
  2. A way for a pet to gain the first level of the Medicine Pet skill without apprenticing to a pet who already has the skill. I kind of thought that maybe a new clan would pray to Star Clan for a pet to be chosen as the very first Medicine Pet. This might be too ambitious. Right now, you have to cheat a pet to the first level of the skill, but it can gain skill from there by treating other pets.
  3. Full dog support. In theory, everything that a cat can do can be done by a dog except Fishing. In reality, I have done very little testing with dogs, Dog Hunting can't be mentored yet, and not all mentoring animations have dog versions.
  4. STBLs. Strings are hard-coded in English.

Known issue: The mentoring interactions consist of the two pets talking about the skill, then one pet demonstrating while the other watches, then talk again, then the other pet demonstrates. This runs 5 cycles. When it is switching between demonstration and socialize, sometimes one pet or the other does not have a current interaction icon. I have some guesses as to why this, and I'm working on it.

In case of emergency: The package has a tuning resource Echoweaver.Sims3Game.WarriorCats.Config
If your mentors and apprentices get borked up in some way, you can change the kPetWarriorDebug to TRUE. This will give you a ton of debugging notifications that won't all make sense, but it ALSO will unlock an interaction on pets called "Clear Apprentice State". This should erase all the mentor apprentice info associated with the sim and enable them to become apprentice or mentor again.
Attached files:
File Type: zip  WarriorCats-Alpha1.package.zip (78.4 KB, 57 downloads)

Echo Weaver's Simblr: http://echoweaver.tumblr.com/
A portrait in stubbornness - Playing the same legacy since 2009
Sample a Brave Legacy: http://sims3sample.illation.net
Original Poster
#2 Old 16th Jun 2024 at 2:13 AM Last edited by echoweaver : 29th Jun 2024 at 7:19 PM.
Guide to Pet Medicine skill:

Level 1 - Fleas: any RODENT
Level 2 - Disease, nausea (any cause): SWEETGRASS
Level 3 - Wounds, reduce by one level: GREENLEAF, Garlic
Level 4 - Disease, Germy (whitecough): GENSING
Level 5 - Disease, Pneumonia (Greencough): PEPPERMINT
Level 6 - Disease, Pestilence: LAVENDER, Mandrake Root
Level 8 - Wound, remove completely: Same as above

Treat a sim by clicking the herb in inventory.

Your chance of treatment success should also go up as your skill goes up.

Echo Weaver's Simblr: http://echoweaver.tumblr.com/
A portrait in stubbornness - Playing the same legacy since 2009
Sample a Brave Legacy: http://sims3sample.illation.net
Test Subject
#3 Old 16th Jun 2024 at 7:15 PM
As soon as I get a chance I'm gonna test this out!
Test Subject
#4 Old 19th Jun 2024 at 6:56 PM
I've done a little bit of playtesting of the mod- not a ton, but I tried out some of the stuff with the new skills and the apprentice mechanics and so far I love it! I recorded my playtesting in a showcase, here.
Original Poster
#5 Old 29th Jun 2024 at 5:40 AM Last edited by echoweaver : 1st Jul 2024 at 12:21 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by SaltySweetRen
I've done a little bit of playtesting of the mod- not a ton, but I tried out some of the stuff with the new skills and the apprentice mechanics and so far I love it! I recorded my playtesting in a showcase, here.

Your video is awesome. Five minutes in, you already brainstormed a problem I need to fix -- yes, indeed, if a mentor dies, I think the poor apprentice is stuck. Good catch! Now I have to figure out what to do about it.

STBL is just the package resource used in translations. You can't currently translate anything to other languages because the strings are hard-coded in English. I'll fix that before I release, but it's a real pain to change the text on strings when you've set up the STBL resources, so I usually do that as the last thing.

I have looked and looked for a way to add an indicator on the relationship pane for master-apprentice, but I haven't been able to figure anything out yet. There should be more ways to see who is apprenticed to whom.

I think the skill gain rate for mentoring is too fast. It's really hard to get that stuff right!

I notice that you have your headline effects turned off. There are speech and thought bubbles associated with building these skills. It's interesting to see your video without them.

I'm concerned about the bit where you showed one pet inspecting a plant while another pet gained the Herb Lore skill. I don't think that interaction is autonomous. It looked very much like the skill gain was being applied to the wrong sim. I have no idea how that would happen, but I'll investigate.

Echo Weaver's Simblr: http://echoweaver.tumblr.com/
A portrait in stubbornness - Playing the same legacy since 2009
Sample a Brave Legacy: http://sims3sample.illation.net
Forum Resident
#6 Old 4th Jul 2024 at 2:13 AM
(Agh, sorry about the above. Had an unexpected health issue shortly after offering assistance with the mod and thought I'd quietly retract it until I knew I'd be back active posting and able to follow through on the offer, little did I know t'would immortalise it in stone )

That aside, I am cheering on the progress of this from the sidelines!
Playing pretend WC in TS2 was a significant part of my childhood, expanding on it for real in TS3 is a lovely endeavour. And if I can get Pets (and University Life I assume?) set up for testing, as well as getting my own mortal body to cooperate with me, I shall return with the offer in the future
Original Poster
#7 Old 4th Jul 2024 at 3:47 AM
Quote: Originally posted by CardinalSims
(Agh, sorry about the above. Had an unexpected health issue shortly after offering assistance with the mod and thought I'd quietly retract it until I knew I'd be back active posting and able to follow through on the offer, little did I know t'would immortalise it in stone )

Oh! I'm sorry to hear that. I'd actually read your comment but hadn't replied yet, so I was surprised to see it deleted. Thanks for letting me know why. Yeah, I don't think this software lets you quietly retract anything

Quote: Originally posted by CardinalSims
That aside, I am cheering on the progress of this from the sidelines!
Playing pretend WC in TS2 was a significant part of my childhood, expanding on it for real in TS3 is a lovely endeavour. And if I can get Pets (and University Life I assume?) set up for testing, as well as getting my own mortal body to cooperate with me, I shall return with the offer in the future

Whenever someone gets interested in this project, I get excited. It's been such a long, deep rabbithole. I burn out and come back to it. I put it up for alpha testing because a few Warrior Cats Challenge players expressed interest, but now I have to face how rough it still is.

At any rate, I'd love to have you involved, and the project will probably still need feedback when you're feeling better. I hope that's soon.

Echo Weaver's Simblr: http://echoweaver.tumblr.com/
A portrait in stubbornness - Playing the same legacy since 2009
Sample a Brave Legacy: http://sims3sample.illation.net
Test Subject
#8 Old 2nd Sep 2024 at 7:50 AM
So I've been testing this mod a little bit, I have set my cat's skills in Medicine Cat and Herb Lore to lvl 10 with NRaas, but when I click an herb in that cat's inventory it does nothing for the wound he has. Is the feature not implemented or is my game bugging out? Or maybe I misread your instructions... xD But I tried looking at the script in S3PE and making sense of things to see how this all worked but I couldn't. Still an awesome mod.

Edit: After clearing my caches the interaction shows up! But it's greyed out and says that there's no sim affected by the condition...
Original Poster
#9 Old 3rd Sep 2024 at 3:12 AM
Quote: Originally posted by cocodoll
So I've been testing this mod a little bit, I have set my cat's skills in Medicine Cat and Herb Lore to lvl 10 with NRaas, but when I click an herb in that cat's inventory it does nothing for the wound he has. Is the feature not implemented or is my game bugging out? Or maybe I misread your instructions... xD But I tried looking at the script in S3PE and making sense of things to see how this all worked but I couldn't. Still an awesome mod.

Edit: After clearing my caches the interaction shows up! But it's greyed out and says that there's no sim affected by the condition...

Thank you for testing! This helps a lot.

Interesting. It sounds like you're doing the right thing.

Is the cat treating its OWN wound? It suddenly occurs to me that I might not have handled that case....

Echo Weaver's Simblr: http://echoweaver.tumblr.com/
A portrait in stubbornness - Playing the same legacy since 2009
Sample a Brave Legacy: http://sims3sample.illation.net
Test Subject
#10 Old 4th Sep 2024 at 4:22 AM
Quote: Originally posted by echoweaver
Thank you for testing! This helps a lot.

Interesting. It sounds like you're doing the right thing.

Is the cat treating its OWN wound? It suddenly occurs to me that I might not have handled that case....

After some more testing, it seems to work when the cat treats other cat's wounds (although with fleas, it won't let me treat it if the medicine cat hasn't caught the rodent because "you can't present prey you didn't catch", but that's just a sims 3 thing). But if the cat tries to treat his own wounds or fleas the option to treat is greyed out because (not exact wording because I don't remember) "There is no sick cats nearby." So it does work, but it doesn't seem to detect the treating cat itself as an ill cat, even when that cat has the moodlet.
Original Poster
#11 Old 4th Sep 2024 at 7:42 PM
Quote: Originally posted by cocodoll
After some more testing, it seems to work when the cat treats other cat's wounds (although with fleas, it won't let me treat it if the medicine cat hasn't caught the rodent because "you can't present prey you didn't catch", but that's just a sims 3 thing). But if the cat tries to treat his own wounds or fleas the option to treat is greyed out because (not exact wording because I don't remember) "There is no sick cats nearby." So it does work, but it doesn't seem to detect the treating cat itself as an ill cat, even when that cat has the moodlet.

OK, yes, I'm pretty sure that the inability to treat yourself is an easy fix.

I'm surprised about the presenting prey you didn't catch. I thought I tested with rodents dragged into inventory. But the truth is that there was so much prey running around on my test lot that my cats were filling their inventory autonomously while I was doing other things.

This gives me some stuff to focus on. I admit that I've been a bit burned out, and I'm having trouble getting this to release. Not because I don't love it. Just that I've been working on the project for so long. Feedback REALLY helps!

Echo Weaver's Simblr: http://echoweaver.tumblr.com/
A portrait in stubbornness - Playing the same legacy since 2009
Sample a Brave Legacy: http://sims3sample.illation.net
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