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Quote: Originally posted by CaliBrat
What program do you use for picture taking? The in game camera isn't always the best option. I know there are a couple of programs that help take good in game pics, but the one I use is Fraps. It is free, however the pics are saved as bmp and need another program to make them jpg or png. I did buy it as I use it often enough that to me it was worth the $37 .. but I get not everyone can (or want) to do that
If you use Windows 10 or 11, you can take pictures with the Windows button + Printscreen, and the pics save in a folder on your computer.
I use Gadwin Printscreen (the free one). It seems Gadwin makes larger sized pictures (in kb), so I'm not quite sure if there's a difference in quality (did an accidental test recently where both of them had saved the same pictures, and Gadwin's pics were larger, but couldn't see a difference in the pictures). I tend to use the Windows method for random screenshots, and Gadwin for ingame ones, just in case.
Not sure how they work with fullscreen (I've had issues with that before) - I use the game in windowed.