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#1 Old Today at 11:40 AM
Default The problem with supermarkets and mass agriculture
I do not know what the situation is outside of Croatia, but there is an occuring pattern in the world. People today buy their food in supermarkets and that truly is convenient. Very few people (especially in Europe, North America and parts of Asia) grow their own food. Few of us would know how to survive in the wilderness which is tragic.

The food that we eat is not the same as before when people grew everything on their own. Many additives are added and the food that we eat is full of sugar, salt and fat. For example, a chocolate bar has very little cocoa in it. It is mostly sugar that an average chocolate bar contains.

I am not saying that before it was better. It is hard to grow everything (plants and animals) on your own. People were malnourished which is horrible.

But, there should be a balance. Mass agriculuture is responsible for so many ecological problems, including the ever shrinking percentage of potable water as well as the lack of biodiversity. I think that we should reform agriculture and that we should teach people how to grow their own food.

I know that my proposal is fantasy, but it is not all about money.
#2 Old Today at 1:31 PM
I agree that Big Ag causes problems.

My house sits on less than a quarter acre. The growing season is very short; roughly three to four months. I don't own enough property to do things such as raise cattle or any other kind of livestock. "Free range chickens" for me would mean free coyote food. In order to create a space large enough for a couple of chickens, it would cost thousands of dollars just to clear cut a area for them. That price wouldn't include back filing the area, and whatever else would have to be done to make the area habitable ( coyote / fox proof enclosure) for something to live in the area year round. The wildlife that lives in that area don't mind the trees, brush and dead logs, ect... as they use them for various purposes.

We have non-chain grocery stores in our area that purchase from local farmers. We also have companies that sell beef, chicken, ect... that are farm raised rather than Big Ag. The big chain grocery stores are a different story. More than 80% of their inventory is junk food. There are entire aisle dedicated to cereals, alone. My local grocery store stinks like red tide most of the time because they import seafood from places like China. It is really gross and I spend as little time in there as possible.

I don't know what the solution is. People learning how to cook I think would be a good start. It's cheaper to cook from home while knowing what the ingredients are rather than spending $20.00 for a single sandwich from Door Dash, but that's a whole other discussion.
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