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Mad Poster
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#1 Old 22nd Jun 2024 at 9:06 AM
Default Is there a way to search for a dtString?
I have a folder full of custom eye colours. I'd like to find the one that has a specific value in the family dtString without opening every file individually. Is this possible?

I added the folder to the SimPE filetable but I haven't had any luck with the Scenegraph Resource Finder.

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

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#2 Old 22nd Jun 2024 at 6:53 PM
If the files are not compressed, you can search over the packages with your file manager, which should have an option for "search text within files" (or something like that). Because the sims compression is poor, there might still be a substring in plain text that is searchable. To permit this in the future, I would never use compression on small text files.

If your Package has numerous resources in it, you can extract them all to a folder and use the search feature on these temporary files. I use this method to search for strings in Objects.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#3 Old 22nd Jun 2024 at 8:32 PM
Unfortunately, most of them came pre-compressed. What I did was run ccmerger over set of eyes, uncompress everything, then delete everything except the XTOLs. This created 'index' files that i can search with Agent Ransack which lets me narrow down which set of eyes I need to look through.

I'm now going through the package files and uncompressing all the XTOLs. I hope this doesn't cause any issues with mixed compression that I've heard of in the past.

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

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#4 Old 23rd Jun 2024 at 12:06 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Unfortunately, most of them came pre-compressed. What I did was run ccmerger over set of eyes, uncompress everything, then delete everything except the XTOLs. This created 'index' files that i can search with Agent Ransack which lets me narrow down which set of eyes I need to look through.

I'm now going through the package files and uncompressing all the XTOLs. I hope this doesn't cause any issues with mixed compression that I've heard of in the past.

Do a Property Set Search and in the Custom Type (opt): box type in (copy & paste from here) 0x2C1FD8A1, fill in the Custom Field (opt): if you can as that will make the search much faster.

The Property Set Search uses the CPF Editor to search through the files and will only search property sets if the Custom Type (opt): is left untouched but can search any of the file types that the CPF Editor can read which include:

0xAC598EAC Age Data
0xEBFEE342 Version Information
0xEBCF3E27 Property Set
0x0C560F39 Binary Index
0x4C697E5A MMAT
0x2C1FD8A1 Texture Overlay XML
0xCCA8E925 Object XML
0x4C158081 Skintone XML
0x0C1FE246 Meshoverlay XML
0x8C1580B5 Hairtone XML
0x8C93BF6C Face Region
0x6C93B566 Face Neutral
0x0C93E3DE Face Modifier
0x8C93E35C Face Arch
0xACA8EA06 Roofs
0x4DCADB7E Floors
0x2CB230B8 Fences
0x6D619378 Hood Objects
0xD1954460 Pet Body Options
0x6C4F359D Collection

Mad Poster
Original Poster
#5 Old 23rd Jun 2024 at 3:17 AM
Thank you!

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

Looking for SimWardrobe's mods? | Or Dizzy's? | Faiuwle/rufio's too! | smorbie1's Chris Hatch archives
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